Legend has it that a merchant, or simply a gondolier who transported goods from north to south of the lake, dropped anchor and approached the area in cayuco with his assistant, sailor Bartolo. The skipper went ashore, to do business or simply to have a good time that night with the dark moon, I instruct Bartolo to stay there in custody of the boat and to be very alert on his return. Bartolo, turning a deaf ear, lay down along that boat and went into a deep sleep. Legend doesn't say if that boat that was anchored left there or it was Bartolo himself who inadvertently drifted on the old El Bajito beach, in the El Milagro sector.

After spending some time he
patron returned to full race chased by two men, each
with an argument of cold steel in his hands a big machete in search of unleashing all the fury on that merchant, they say that he is seeing the danger in which he found himself shouted loudly,
Bartolo!, Bartolo!, bring me the cayuco. As long as the boy
I couldn't hear him asleep like a stone.

Discouraged by the futility of his cries and feeling the closeness of steel to his flesh, he threw himself into the dark
waters of the lake, disappearing in them.
The body never appeared, but the good people of the sector say that on some dark nights you can hear the discouraged cry of the sailor: Bartoloooo! Bartoloooo!, bring me the cayuco.
