#history South of Lake Maracaibo, a recurrent lightning strike has occurred since ancient times, even in times of drought, called “Maracaibo Lighthouse” or “Catatumbo Lightning”. Various hypotheses have been conjectured to explain the localized, recurrent and ancient nature of the phenomenon, with its complete understanding being a matter of controversy. The results of the expeditions carried out to locate the epicenters and characterize the phenomenon are presented. Additionally, a microphysical model based on the presence of methane gas as a causal agent of atmospheric electrical activity is discussed. Keywords: Catatumbo Lightning, Atmospheric Electricity. The origin of this phenomenon lies in the orographic effect mentioned above by these mountain ranges, whose air masses penetrate below the northeastern winds, more humid and warmer; thus, clouds of great vertical development are produced, concentrated mainly in the Catatumbo river basin.

The lightning of Catatumbo