What is tea tree oil?

The tea tree oil is an essential oil that comes from the leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia, a tree native to Queensland, Australia. 

The tea tree has been used as a medicinal plant for centuries. It has many skins and health benefits. There are various ways in which you can use it. 

Today tea tree is available in many forms, diluted and neat.
This article will discuss tea tree oil and how you can use it in tea tree oil body wash.

What are its benefits for the skin?

Tea tree oil can be an alternative to conventional treatments. It has great use in curbing hair, nail, and skin conditions. 

1-Dry skin

Tea tree soothes dry skin and makes it more supple and moisturized. It is a great way to heal dry and scaly skin. You can mix the tea tree oil with a carrier oil or moisturizer and use it on your skin.


Tea tree oil is most popular for treating acne. It can calm itchy, red, and inflamed skin because of its antibacterial properties.
 It can help you with blemishes and acne marks too. Making it the best addition to your beauty stash.

You can add tea tree oil to your body wash or use a tea tree oil body wash to banish the body acne.


Tea tree oil can be your best friend if you suffer from itchy distressed skin. The anti-inflammatory properties of tea tree oil help in relieving your discomfort.
It also heals the skin and makes the bacteria go away.

4-Dry scalp

If you are someone who suffers from dry scalp and dandruff, you know how irritating it can get. It can be embarrassing for some people. 
Adding tea tree oil to your shampoo can help clear the dandruff scales.


The tea tree oil's anti-inflammatory properties can help you manage inflamed skin. It can reduce the redness or discomfort caused by inflamed skin.
You can apply it diluted directly on the skin and feel better.

Things to keep in mind-
1-Do not ingest tea tree oil. It is not safe to consume it.
2-Do a small patch test before you start using it.
3-If your skin is sensitive, make sure to dilute the tea tree oil before using it.
4-Do not use tea tree oil on pets.

To sum up,

There are various ways tea tree oil can help you manage your skin conditions. However, keep in mind that not all things suit everyone. And make sure you start using it moderately first. 

Now that you know how useful it is, if you are interested in buying tea tree oil or other essential oils and fragrance, check out Skinsational Scents.

The Magic Elixir Called Tea Tree Oil