The history of music is the study of the different traditions in music and their order on the planet.

Since in all known civilizations there was some form of musical manifestation, the history of music encompasses all cultures and eras.

The term “history of music” is often used to refer exclusively to the history of European music and its evolution in the Western world.

The music of a given society is closely related to other aspects of its culture, such as economic organization, technological development, traditions, religious beliefs, etc.

In a broad sense, music is born with human beings, since according to some studies it was present long before the migration of the first groups that left Africa more than 50,000 years ago.

Therefore, it can be considered a global cultural manifestation.

The ancestors of the human being invented music, nomadic tribes discover the charms of sedentary life. They settle in fertile valleys or found towns and then cities. The inhabitants of some valleys such as the Tigris and Euphrates, Nile, Yellow River. were the first in many things: metals, wheeled cars, writing, arithmetic and music.

The music