Observe something important Life is a test, begins with gestation, birth, and ends with death (which is not the culmination but transcedence to another plane).
Yesterday during the parasat Ree aprendi.
That if we are a holy people we are destined for a world and an eternal superior life.
(Rav Shaul said it: for me dying is profit.
Crying too much for a deceased demonstrates the importance given to this material life and to this world almost disparaging the truthfulness and pleasure of eternal life, say the wise.
When a loved one dies there may be two reasons to mourn too much (more than is permitted by TORAH).
First, because of the suffering of oneself of losing it.
Second, because of the suffering of the deceased of having lost his life.
About the first one says the torah: G-d is your Father He is the greatest comfort you can have for your loss; you did lose your physical father (Lo aleinu,) for example but you have your heavenly Father to feel that comfort the person needs to feel a son of HASHEM truly.
In the face of the second pain for the suffering of the deceased of losing this life, the torah responds, he lost nothing but moved to another much higher life.
A son must trust his father who can not have evil against him, then if you feel like the son of HASHEM you can't think he did something bad for you, it's good and for your good even if you don't understand him as children.
Therefore, when someone dies we declare HASHEM Dayan Emet (HASHEM is a real judge, is faithful and just) consoles the PLAWARDED.
We thank HASHEM for life, for his TORAH and learn to value every second on this plane until the time of our transcendence.
Also in this passage from the Torah we were able to observe, from a Jewish Jewish perspective, what is blessing and cursing. How a curse can be a blessing, and as a blessing it can be a curse.
I am the one who puts blessing and cursing, it is false that they blame everything to the devil, because we have the nature of good and evil in us at 50%, as well as good we must have evil, and good, knowing how to control both.
How do we achieve this control by recognizing our weaknesses. Because Elohim God said I put in your hands blessing and cursing, you choose whether you lean towards good or evil.
We must be careful not to let our hearts harden. If I want everything I do with my hands is going to be blessed it will be done. Remember something elementary we are the temple. We are people chosen by Elohim Dios. The Mashiah bought us with his sacrifice.
“We must put good and evil on a scale”.
The image is courtesy of a royalty free page from source of author pixabay.com
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