Besides a lovely woman, Tania is an independent therapist. She started after her studies as a banker, with a formidable income. Only it didn't make her happy, on the contrary. She wanted to help people, stopped at the bank, hopped from wedding planner to an Über, and then discovered the SCIO Eductor. She found her calling, her passion. On our first date, she told me about it with so much dedication, that it was undoubtedly one of the reasons I liked her right away.

She has her practice under our house and regularly receives guests there. Since the coronacrisis, many appointments also go through Zoom, which offers new possibilities: she now also gives workshops. Mindfullness, that sort of thing.

What she does in terms of therapy: with the help of the SCIO Eductor, she analyzes her patients. A perhaps somewhat alternative method, where magnetic fields are the starting point. The system analyzes your aura, your stress level and also answers physical problems. The beauty is: the device not only analyzes, but also corrects pain points where necessary. Is also able to relieve those pains. Here you will find more information about it, if you find it interesting.


I think it's beautiful. She tells every day what it brings people. How it helps people. This philosophy ensures that Tania does not believe in the coronavirus. It's like that.

Your body reacts to how you feel and vice versa. Mind and body are inextricably linked. That means that you only get such a virus if you're open to it, to whatever extent. Fear of it opens up that possibility, and fear is exactly what is happening in the world. If you don't believe in it or acknowledge it, it significantly reduces the chances of you getting it.

What do I think of that? Ah. Interesting angle. Fun thinking game, too, because flu or fever? It's only when you lie down on the bed that makes it worse, I think. If you just live on with the basic complaints - snotty, headaches, coughing, that kind of things-, then it will pass soon enough. Your mind, your brain chooses the bed and the suffering. They aggravate the physical discomfort. Only when you focus on your complaints and give in to them does it indeed become a disease.

(In the case of a hangover I fall for it again and again, albeit consciously. Then I wake up and give me straight to the nausea. But that is only because there is nothing better than to dabble through the day, to let the willingness and to stagger from bank to bank, and then end the evening with a muddy shawarma dish. Choices!)

That's the complicated thing with corona. I do believe in the existence of it, but I always wonder how bad it is once you get it. Whether your immune system isn't strong enough not to allow it completely. And certainly, it is important that both body and mind are in good shape. Either, I'm not afraid. And I'm convinced that I won't get it, or at least not suffer from it. Naive? If I do get it, I'll beep otherwise.


So far, I've undergone therapy with the SCIO Eductor three times. Tania receives you and you take a seat in a lazy chair. You get straps on both ankles, on both wrists and on your head. With cables, you will then be connected to the device. It takes an hour, but the first results quickly drip in.

Sometimes you feel it. A flashing itch in your right eye, for example. The results are bizarre, because recognizable and where. Of course, Tania can do me, know what's going through my mind. But that would be too cynical; her patients return and trust her too. She translates what the system tells her and does not shake it out of her sleeve.

,, So! Your aura is now completely purple,” she evokes enthusiastically as she turns her screen. You see an animation of a human, with a broad purple eclipse around him. ,, That means that you feel good and that also radiates. That you're sitting on a magnetic field that takes you forward. Trust the process. Last time it was red; enthusiasm with a big brake.” The computer is rattling through. Stress, doubt, faith in myself; in graph form they go beyond the norm and therefore deserve attention.


Since a few weeks I have been bothering my back, Tania has the SCIO Eductor see what it is. ,, Obviously stress,” she says. Of course. All of a sudden, I'm sitting here in Mexico with no plan and no income. A dream trip and a fantastic period, but one with heavy uncertainty. Do not know what kind of future that gives me; I am completely in the dark. I don't know how to make money. But: the path I've taken by writing a book feels good. And the more I write, the better it feels. Absolutely not yet in terms of income, but as far as I want to and must do.

Tania concludes. ,, This is the path you want to take, this is the path that makes you happy. That indicates the purple aura. The fact that you doubt whether you're doing it right is logical, but in terms of norms, that's a pretty big thing. You really have to let that go. You'll always keep that little devil, but it's important to make it smaller. Just like other people's opinions. Those are not important. You must do what you want to do.” Therapeutic, isn't it? That's the idea.

She's suggesting that the SCIO Eductor cleanses the stress in my back. It takes 15 minutes; she sees the progress on the screen. ,, Pfoei, there is quite a bit”, she indicates. And, warning:,, you will feel empty for the rest of the day. Exhausted. And maybe tomorrow too.”

With a lot of energy, I leave the practice. But after an hour, I feel lifeless. Empty. I stump to bedtime. Wound up there in a deep, long sleep. Reborn now? Not directly yet. Well inspired. Well, less doubt. I cherish that beautiful purple aura. And keep my back straight.

The SCIO Eductor