Embrace the journey and not the destination. Not the result, but the process. Last week my daughter participated in a sponsorship run for the Food Bank. People could sponsor a fixed amount or per round. The latter option can of course immensely motivate, but can also emphasize the (to be delivered) performance. Especially if you're not a runner by nature.. Fortunately, my daughter had a lot of fun in the 'trip' and especially the destination; together with many others raised a lot of money for the Food Bank. Fortunately, that was more important than the individual number of rounds or yield per person.

'Embrace the journey, not the destination'

This quote comes from Bear Grills, but countless other people use it in the same way, for example: 'The journey is as important as the destination.'

Bear Grills tells the story that people always ask after a mountain climb: “Did you make it to the top?” For Grills and his buddy Mick, it wasn't about the top itself, but about the trip. Mick has en. tremendously lucky because he survived the journey. After a fall, he miraculously landed on a ledge and could be saved by two other climbers. Mick was a different person after that. Humble and grateful that he was alive. The fact that he failed - and thus did not reach the summit - proved to be a blessing for him, because for him life has become a gift.

Whether I agree 100% with the tip in the end I do not know. I myself see it as an art to find a good balance between hard work, dreaming and pursuing goals on the one hand, and resting and enjoying the beautiful things in life on the other. If you enjoy your life's journey, you'll also get to your destination. And in a way that is far more satisfying than all that rushing and focusing. And the latter is perhaps even more the challenge than setting goals and pursuing your dream. So still embrace the journey, enjoy life, be grateful for what you already have.

#survival   #rice

The tips come from survival expert Bear Grills; the world's best-known survival expert, complemented by my own experiences.
Photo by Nina Uhlíková via Pexels

The survival of every day - tip 3 - Embrace the journey, not the destination
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