And so we are already on the tenth day, 36 to go.

Today the sun shines like it's summer. The sun's rays feel great on the skin. Normally we would with this weather a short drive to nice by the water to let the dog run, the children tire with some games of football and the frisbee. Or we would take a long walk, past a few farms to greet the dogs there and have a chat with the farmers.
But that's not allowed. Not for 36 days. We have to do it another way.

Cycling! That's something the kids, like real cheese couples, find the most fun to do. In freedom we had cycled to the village a little further, to lay some flowers on the cemetery. The children always love to do that: they then look for the graves that are not visited so often - they clean the spots neatly and then put some flowers on them.
Níemand must be forgotten, that is their motto.

This morning it became the backyard where you could ride a nice bike. Five foolish children racing, a dog she watched closely and sometimes jumped in front of Amelie's wheels. Of course, Amelie could not ignore Casper and soon only four children cycled through the garden, one threw the ball with a lot of enthusiasm for an even more enthusiastic dog!

#lockdown #france #frankrijk #corona #buitenspelen #kinderen #enthousiast #fietsen #kaaskoppen