#gevoelsjournaal #blog #clax #verhaal #corona #afstand #regels #ziek SENSORY NEWS

Good morning, dear fellow sentimental reader. Once again a bright and sunny day. Little to complain about how Mother Nature shows herself from her best side. The “light “is turned on. Maybe we can go back to the garden this afternoon.

Yesterday put the flowers out with these in. Our Coop always has plants and related 'funnies'. So I plundered them a lot. No need or need for (large) garden centres.
It can be done that way, and I avoid bigger people crowds. The one and a half meters in front and behind one understands, that left and right seems to be quite difficult. Yesterday, I was a village down the road for some specific things. Now, I don't do that anymore. One sjeest left or right around you. Of course I say something about that, because what someone with their own health wants is one, and I do not want to suffer any harm.

Customer: 'Yes, but just for a moment... 'to which I say: 'What do you not understand about a meter and a half? “Yes, but I'm not sick. “
You can't know or prove that, and that wasn't a criterion! The customer: 'You can pass by, I'm going to stand all the way here'.
No, ma'am, I have all the time... after all, all of us. I'll just wait until you're ready. So I have been 'bothering' regularly and regularly put my clax (see picture) right in the aisle, ignoring the dirty looks.
Then we force it. Although I do not understand why they do not introduce one-way traffic. Would care a lot of effort.

And good lesson, I stay with the class in my own village! Just a little less of this or that, we are not starving.
And here they follow the rules neatly.

How do you like the rules?

Take care of yourself and each other!

Knuf MJ

The transverse Clax/ Feels News