It's not my week you could say, actually I wasn't going to write about this because everything is still very difficult and sensitive. Lawsuit will be started on Monday. Me and my ex have agreed that the children will live with me. This for security reasons. He can't guarantee that the children will be safe when they are with him. To explain this a bit well the 2 youngest sleep than at the grandparents when he has to go to work early. With those same grandparents, my ex's brother and sister still live at home. The brother clears the sister with a knife to the throat and the father does not want to do anything about it. He considers it more important to further steal the income of everyone and does not want to part with this. However, this is harsh reality. I can write a whole book about this.
I haven't cried as much as this week.
After that, I almost got ripped off

This morning I called for more information about the child's allowance. My 4 children come to live here full-time. And there's even a chance that my ex will keep pulling all the child's money without taking care of the kids, and apparently they won't have to follow a verdict.
The world literally falls on my head.

The world falls on my head