You wouldn't have imagined some of these strange sports being practiced all over the globe.
While you may have played basketball, tennis and marbles with your colony friends, you probably haven't thought of the most bizarre sports you can play. Take your partner with you and try to overcome all obstacles. Play chess in a circle? To catch a roll of cheese, you must descend from the hilltop. You can play soccer on a bike. This is one of the most bizarre sports on the planet. These will be a surprise to you...
Bo taoshi
It is a strange and chaotic sport. The sport is played between two teams with 75 players each. It involves attempting to knock down the post of the opposing team, which is guarded by a person at its tip. Participants climb up to the top of the post, where they can knock it down. This is a crazy activity that is not recommended for fragile bodies.
Sepak Takraw
This unique combination of soccer, martial arts, and volleyball is extremely popular in Asia. The ball is a small cane-shaped ball that can only be touched by the head or feet. To score points, players must be able to jump and hit the ball. There are some truly amazing plays and moves.
Cycle Ball
You think you're a pro at soccer or cycling? Then you might try cyclobol or cycle ball, which was invented in 1893. It is very popular in many European countries, including Germany, Switzerland, Australia, and Germany. Playing soccer on a bicycle and hitting the ball with the tires is the key to scoring goals. You need to be able to control the ball well and have great technique when riding the bike.
Kabaddi is one the most rare sports in the world. It was invented in India and has been popularized in many Asian countries. The game involves two teams. One team must touch another opponent and then return to their field. Although the rules of this game are complicated, it is an enjoyable activity that combines speed with fighting and dexterity.
Street luge
The skateboard is 2.40m long and allows competitors to descend on all types of descents.
This game was invented in Scandinavia, Norway, Sweden, and Finland. The game consists of a course in which men must carry their wives on their shoulders. The added weight can slow down the athletes' speed and movements, it is obvious.
Boxing in Chess
This strange sport, which combines the rules and chess of boxing, has been practiced worldwide since 2003. It is simple: Two fighters alternate 5 minute boxing rounds with 6 minutes of chess, all within a ring. The winner is the one who knocks out his opponent or checks his wins. This is a great sport for intellectuals who enjoy rudeness.
Cooper's Hill Cheese Rolling
Rolling cheese festival is a British tradition that dates back to 1400. The game involves rolling cheese wrapped in a wooden covering from the top of a hill. Participants then need to race for it. The winner is the one who catches it first. This is a great activity but can be dangerous as the participants may get into some serious fights while descending the hill.
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