What is happening in the USA does not seem far away from Belgium. I feel that a lot of parties in the same bed are sick. Biden's tweet lit me somewhere.
This is NOT who we are. You always hear that. And yet?
That white trash, as one sometimes calls these people, is part of the American people. It's the people who aren't heard. People who feel lost in the system.
It is good that people are working on equal rights, but I think they have been too busy pointing fingers lately.
The slogan “own people first” with which a party comes out seems to count for all parties. Actually, it's “own members” first. That's how I experienced politics in Belgium. That's why I hate it a little bit.
How did an idiot like Trump come to power?
Simple: he spoke to the people who are swept under the carpet.
If I compare Belgium, the party that is perhaps a little less hypocritical and now says 'first our people'. The party for which, in particular, the growing number of low-skilled and disadvantaged people voted for. A growing group of indigenous people falling out of the boat and who don't feel understood anymore.
And then they are blamed for being stupid of those traditional, politically correct parties that seem to make whole legislators a sport of trying to eliminate all the energy in that one party. They make government formations hopeless.
In addition, they are so busy with their propaganda against that party that they seem to forget to solve the problems. Poverty is rising. More and more people are coming for fewer and fewer jobs.
Education is becoming an organizational disaster. More and more pupils and students are dropping out. The coronameasures have only made things worse.
Fighting poverty, a solution to our almost priceless social security, giving people opportunities... Certain groups are skipped. And these are often indigenous people with a problem, because quotas are imposed to help immigrants forward. This positive discrimination may be very nice, it gets a heavy electoral connotation, because it is precisely many of the indigenous people who, after yet another rejection in favor of a strange name, are going to believe that propaganda.
I'm afraid the United States is on the same track. That's where BLM has been making uprisings for months causing the death of George Floyd. Honestly, I hated that too, but if you look straight, that man wasn't a pussy either. No, I didn't think he should die, and certainly not like that.
I certainly didn't like the consequences. I think they just played in Trump's favor.
Was I surprised when I saw Capitol Hill stormed? Actually, no. I'm afraid this was something that has been breeding under the skin for a long time in the United States. This was the purulent wound that cracked open. The worst part is, a young woman died. I'm afraid this is going to be a big problem.
I honestly tweeted my opinion to Biden: “They may not be your voters, but they are your people.”
If these people continue to be pushed away and if the gap between poor and rich and Democrat and Republican continues to be that way, I fear they are even deeper into the rats there.
Then I read people who are inspired by this and now look at Brussels. I think we may now have a new French revolution and that the Capitol will become the new Bastille.
Sooner or later, people get tired of it. I only hope that this upheaval may lead to new, better insights.

They're not your constituents... Well, your people