A hairless guinea pig as used in the experiments. The Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) in Rijswijk uses rats and specially bred, hairless guinea pigs for painful and fatal nerve agent tests. Animal Rights demands that documents related to the experiments be made public, but TNO refuses. The case is before the courts.
Strokes and seizures
Scientific publications from 2003 to 2018 show that the Ministry of Defence is having experiments on guinea pigs and rats with nerve agents carried out by TNO. The researchers wanted to know when the best antidote can be administered. To do this, they used specially bred, hairless guinea pigs from laboratory animal breeder Charles River. First, the test animals were operated on to install electrodes and cannulas. Then the tests with the nerve agent began.
How are they doing in their blunt resins in 2023. #animalsuffering #animalexperiments
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