This photo was taken on Brighton Beach in England during the long hot summer of 1976, published in The Guardian, an independent newspaper in the UK and on social media it is viral about the “why”.

Why what?
Why no one in the picture is fat! If you compared this picture to a picture you took today in the same circumstances, you would see a completely different picture.

Why would you see a huge difference?
First, in 1976 there were very few fast food stores and things were relatively more expensive. Nowhere near did you have the availability of choice like today in supermarkets. All the shops closed early, so if you had to go to the store for food, you'd be unlucky. There weren't really takeaway meals. The only takeaway were finished??and toe fish and chips and a cake from the bakery.

But here comes the surprise; we ate in 1976 MORE than we do now. Government figures show that today the average person consumes 2,130 calories a day, including confectionery and alcohol. In 1976, we consumed 2,590 calories!

How can this be?
There are people who say that there is much less manual labor today.
Makes sense, but the numbers refute this. A study in the 'International Journal of Surgery' states that “adults who have unskilled manual occupations (i.e. a lot of exercise) are more than four times more likely to be classified as morbid obesity compared to people with office jobs”.

What about movement then?
People say that today we are more seated than we used to be, that we drive everywhere instead of walking or cycling, counting more online and often sitting behind a screen.
Here comes the next surprise; a lengthy study of 'Plymouth University' showed that the physical activity of children is the same as 50 years ago.
There are also more bikes sold year after year, there are cycle paths everywhere and 24-hour gyms everywhere. Everyone seems to train more than ever, but you can not exercise away a bad diet!

So what happened then?
Since 1976 we have only become thicker.
We know we ate MORE in 1976, but we ate differently.
Today we buy half as much raw milk as in 1976, but more than five times as much yogurt, three times as much ice cream and 39 times more dairy desserts.

We buy half as many eggs as in 1976, but a third more cereal and twice as many cereal products. We eat half the total number of potatoes in 1976, but three times the amount of chips. The purchase of direct sugar has fallen slightly, but the sugar we consume has risen explosively, including the sugar contained in beverages and processed foods. The disc of 5 has been around since 1953, and it tells us that we mainly had to eat cereals, rice and pasta. It demonizes saturated fats.

This was ingrained to us, it's all of us. Low-fat was healthy!
Meanwhile, the world became sicker and thicker than ever before.
Obesity rates have tripled since 1980 and have increased more rapidly in children.
We eat more takeaway meals, more sugary drinks and more junk food than ever before. You can pick up a meal and you don't even have to get out of your car.
Why prepare a bolognaise sauce completely fresh when you can get one in a jar? Even if it's full of sugar and rapeseed oil.

The food industry employs scientists to develop products containing sugar and artificial flavors to bypass our natural hunger mechanisms, and to use packaging and promotions so that cheap convenience food becomes the norm.

They use psychologists and food scientists to trick us into eating more than we need. In addition, our own government is under the direct influence of the food industry. Why else would one throw up the VAT on fruit and vegetables and lower those of manufactured Light products?

They promote the idea that weight is a matter of 'personal responsibility' and 'all in moderation' and the idea of 'calories in/calories out' mantra, which is a misconception as we now know. The body is simply not as simplistic as this.

They spend billions of euros on smart marketing and then blame us for making the wrong choice. Chronic diseases have never been so high in all Western countries. The Netherlands has more than 9 million chronically ill people!

Obesity related diseases such as type 2 diabetes increase every year. Chronic diseases such as Crohn, Alzheimer's, Hashimoto, Fibromyalgia and MS take on dramatic forms.
It is therefore a MUST SEE on Netflix: “The Magic Pill”

#obesitas The Guardiun Source: Live consciously Netherlands

This picture from 1976 causes a lot of fuss!