Towels are easy to harm directly to the skin and health of consumers.Long use scarves are not clean, resulting in moist condition, hair pouring, slime.harmful to user health.

Check out: 100+ Templates Nam Phong towel beautiful

1 Moisture odor treatment

The wet environment of the bathroom plus regular contact with water makes towels foul and prone to mold.To correct this situation, you need to wash the towel with hot water accompanied by 1 cup of vinegar or 1/2 cup of baking soda.Always make sure you hang towels in a dry place so they can dry completely after each use.

2.Waterproof Towel Handle.

Newly purchased towels are difficult to absorb, so the washing machine and dryer will increase the absorbency of the towel by about 5 times.Washing will remove the chemicals that live on the surface of the towel during the production process.Some types of dyes also affect the absorbency of the towel.

3.Hair removal towel treatment

The best solution is to wash towels immediately.Loose, easy to shed scarves will be washed away after washing.

4.Handling a fade towel

To avoid the condition of the towel fade, fresh colors, it is recommended to mix a little vinegar during the first wash.Then dry or dried according to the manufacturer's instructions.In this way, you won't have to worry about the fade towels in the next use.

5.The surface of the towel is rough

To limit the towel to be rough like sandpaper, you should not put too much detergent with bleach into the machine.Excessive giving of detergent powder and chemicals doesn't make the towel cleaner.On the contrary it will cause bacteria to increase over time.

6.The cotton fibers are not smooth

To maintain the softness and consistency of the towel, each time you wash it hard before putting it in the dryer or expose to the sun.Before use, you strongly rinse again so that the unsmooth cotton hairs leave the surface of the towel.In addition, you should choose to buy towels of good quality.Because towels are one of the items that your family uses daily.

Latest news: CEO Nam Phong Nhung Le - A woman who lives in the spa towel market, in the USA

In addition, Khan Nam Phong is confident in producing and distributing all kinds of towels with prestige and high quality.You can refer more about premium hotel towels, spa towels, gift towels,.from our company.

Update more about the status towel as well as how to get the best towels.

[TIP] Wash Towel with Mold, Simple Hair Depilation