On a Tuesday afternoon, you're strolling along with the supermarket's fruit and vegetable department and feeling underwhelmed. The apples appear to become less bright, the spinach to be frail, as well as the kiwis to be at the very least insignificant. You've had these bananas a million times. Consider yourself in another realm, where your local store is stocked with the most vibrant, exotic fruits and veggies from around the world, rather than these lousy legumes. They're colorful, startling, and daring, with flavors and looks that will lead you into a delectable dimension. That's where you'll end up if you follow this list.

Beyond the body's nutritional requirements, the mind requires stimulation as well. According to psychiatrist Rich Walker's analysis, people who are trying new things generally hold on to more good emotions, which leads to an overall rise in happiness. Trying new things breaks up your routine, challenges you, and allows you to grow as a person. Trying new foods is a great way to get out of your comfort zone for a moment while only risking startling your taste senses.

These veggies and fruits are not only delightfully offbeat and earthy, but they are also often easily accessible. With transport being fast nowadays, you could have these delectables in your fridge and fruit bowl in just a few hours. Decorate your yogurt, spice up your smoothie, upgrade your salads and refine your desserts. These beautiful unconventional edibles will brighten your day, richen your palate and leave you dribbling for more!


These vegetables and fruits are not only unusual and earthy, and they're also frequently available. With today's rapid transportation, you may have these delicious morsels in your refrigerator and fruit bowl in a matter of hours. Dress up your yogurt, add some spice to your smoothie, improve your salads, and polish off your sweets. These gorgeous, unusual foods will brighten your day, satisfy your palette, and leave you wanting more!


The pitaya is a fruit that blooms on numerous cacti species and is initially from America since it is currently grown all over the world. It's most often known as the dragon fruit. Dragon fruits have such a lot to offer, aside from their appealing scarlet look and flavor, which is a bizarre blend of kiwi and pear. It's a nutrient-dense, low-calorie snack that can also be utilized in interesting beverages like the Dragon and sweets.

Do you want to grow this delectable fruit in your backyard? Dragon fruit is surprisingly simple to produce, either indoors in a pot or outdoors in your backyard. When you've placed the seeds, make sure there's something to stand on so it can flourish with no effort in a plentiful environment.


Their fluffy appearance is similar to the trees in the stories from Dr. Seuss, but don’t be inclined to eat the outer shell. The colorful Rambutan is fittingly called ‘hairy fruit’, for the word ‘rabbit in the Malay language means ‘hairy’. Although these small delicacies can be hard to reveal their yummy insides, it’s worth the struggle. Being a family of the lychee, it has a similar taste: an almond-like sugariness with a gelatinous texture. Use them to enrich curries, add texture to your fruit salad, give cocktails a tropical vibe, or just plain to indulge in some healthy sweetness.

Wood Apple

You could come upon the wood apple while strolling through verdant forests in India or Sri Lanka. These rock-hard fruits, which are easily mistaken for melancholy coconuts, contain a prized delicacy. The pungent odor of the wood apple may also put you off. You'll be astonished by its woody, odd texture and raisin-like scents once you've worked up the courage to taste a spoon. The wood apple pulp can also be made into a drink or used in jams.


These strange vegetables are the loose curls fronds of a juvenile fern and are named after the ornamental ends of violins. They will uncoil into thriving fern fronds in a few days if permitted to grow. They're hard to find because this stage of the Ostrich fern only lasts a few days to a few weeks. Fiddleheads are expensive, but they're also a delicacy, attributed to the reason that if they're often hand-picked. Their flavors are comparable to those of spinach, asparagus, and broccoli, and they can be cooked in the same way. Make sure to have some of that wonderful, lush, furled fern grilled alongside your steak if you're quick enough.

Kiwano Melon

Before it became recognized around the world, the unusual horned melon thrived in Africa's the Kalahari Desert. Outside, vibrant orange-colored spikes decorate the surface, concealing a sumptuous moisturizing flesh. Don't be fooled by its kiwi-like appearance; it's related to cucumbers and melon, with a punchiness comparable to passionfruit and lemon. The kiwano melon has several health benefits, including stress relief and an abundance of anti-oxidants. This stunning, unusual fruit will brighten up any salad, salsa, or smoothies.


Although the vividly colored starfruit is indigenous to Indonesia, the Philippines, and Malaysia, it was used in a variety of other cuisines, including Indian cuisine. The Carambola has been acclaimed for its healthful characteristics and interesting variety of flavors, with two primary species to pick from: the larger one is sweeter while the smaller one is sourer. Starfruit is incredibly versatile, and as a result, it has garnered a lot of fans. Dried starfruit is also used as a spice, giving your food a lovely, mild acidity. Will you make the carambola your number one star as well?

Melothria scabra

Originally from Mexico and Central America, these miniature watermelons go by many different yet affectionally called names, such as Mouse melon, Mexicos' sour cucumber, and Pepquinos. However, as much as they’ve got the look of watermelons or Gherkins, they are a family of the cucumber. To make things even more complicated, they’re eaten like grapes, but taste like cucumbers with the zestiness of lime. Intrigued? Their seeds are widely available, enabling you to grow them at home. These Gherkins are often pickled as well, which makes them perfect candidates to give a kick to your garden salad.


These little watermelons are native to Mexico and Central America and are known by a variety of names, including Mouse melon, Mexico's sour cucumbers, and Pepquinos. Nevertheless, despite their resemblance to watermelons or gherkins, they belong to the cucumber family. To make matters even more complex, they're chewed like grapes but have a cucumber-like flavor with a hint of lime. Intrigued? These seeds are commonly accessible, making them easy to raise at home. Kosher pickles are frequently pickled, making them ideal candidates for adding spice to your garden salad.

Lotus Root

Look no further if you're seeking a more daring and fresh veggie to deep-fry. One of the numerous features of the Lotus Root is its ability to be deep-fried into a delicious, crispy chip. Furthermore, 100 grams of these roots can provide you with 73 percent of your daily Vitamin C requirement. The Lotus Root has been cultivated in Asia for over 3,000 years, where it's been employed in food and for its outstanding medical capabilities, not to mention its beautiful, rose-colored blossom that adorns every Oriental pond.


The cherimoya, which looks like a green dragon egg, is a fruit native to Ecuador and Peru. It has been dubbed the most delectable fruit by locals, with aromas similar to banana and pineapple and a divine creamy consistency. However, be cautious of the seeds, as they are poisonous when crushed! They're also extremely nutritious, as they contain no saturated fat and are high in fiber and iron. Despite their difficult cultivation procedure, which necessitates a lot of water and requires them to flourish high in the hills, their popularity has increased. Cherimoya can be consumed straight off the tree that is used in cakes and desserts.


The salak, sometimes known as "snake fruit," is a famous Indonesian fruit. These intriguing delicacies, which are about the size of a fig, may be skinned by beginning just at the tip and making your way down. You'll find three creamy lobes that will surprise your taste senses with delicacy and a faint acidic touch after you've passed the initial shock of expecting a young snake beneath that scaly covering. Salak comes in a variety of flavors, each with its level of sugariness. If you're in Bali or Yogyakarta, don't pass up the opportunity to enjoy these tasty delicacies plain, in salads, syrups, or as part of a beverages sampling.

Jerusalem Artichokes

Even though the name suggests a vegetable that resembles the typical artichoke, the Jerusalem artichoke has a lycopene shape and is made from the stem of a unique sunflower species. They don't come from Jerusalem, but rather from parts Of North America, where they were used as a source of food by the indigenous people. The hue of this vegetable can range from purple to brown to yellow. Expect potato-like aromas with a nutty finish. These Jerusalem artichokes are easy to boil, puree, or use in soups, and they're a wonderful source of iron and a novel twist on your typical potato dish.
Sugar Apple

Fall in love with this unique fruit from the subtropical West Indies, which can satisfy any sweet craving. The precise location of origin is unknown. It's beloved in many Asian countries, with its generally green segmented skin and fragrant and luscious fruit flesh, and people have gotten quite creative in incorporating that taste into various foods. Enjoy sugar apples ice cream, sugar apples flavored milk or sugary apple cider as a delightful drink. The pits, on the other hand, should be avoided because they are poisonous. The pudding apple is yet another name for this delectable fruit, owing to its resemblance to the cream English dish.

Ugli Fruit

The malformed ugli fruit from Jamaica is weirdly shaped and light in color, resembling a sad orange. The delectable flesh of the grapefruit, however, is hidden beneath the loosely folded skin. The ugli apple was produced as a result of a cross between grapefruit, orange, and tangerine as if to resolve a flavor discrepancy between three scientists. They're regarded as having a little sour flavor with a bitter undertone from the grapefruit. If you want to sample them, you'll have to act quickly because they're only available from December to April and can be pretty pricey.

Black Radish

At first glance, the goth sibling of the cheerful horseradish appears difficult to love, because its skin is as rough as elephant skin and the flesh is intensely bitter. It's potent, and the peppery flavor might make it difficult to utilize in the kitchen. They can, however, give a lovely punch to just about any salad or richness to a velvety potato puree after you've learned to embrace their spiciness by becoming dedicated. However, make sure to spend some time peeling away the rough exteriors. In addition, black radish has several beneficial healing and nutritional properties, including the capacity to lower cholesterol levels.

These charming little packed tomatoes from Mexico, which belong to the family Solanaceae, are perfect for fresh salsa verde and creamy dressings. A somewhat more acidic, less watery variant of the tomato lies beneath their papery husk. Grilling, roasting, or frying them might help to reduce their spiciness. If you're looking for something different in your kitchen, they're an experimental variant of the usual tomato. The unripe ones, as well as the leaves of the nightshade they grow on, may be slightly poisonous despite their green appearance. Make sure they're clean before you use them!

Wax Gourd

This pale vegetable, sometimes known as the winter watermelon or ash gourd, is endemic to Asia's wet rainforests. The gourd, like well squash, is widely used during soups, stir-fries, and curries, but it's also recognized for mooncakes and sweetheart cake fillings. The wax gourd is even used to manufacture confectionery in Nepal, called petha. Nutrition experts compared to leading them because of their high fiber and mineral content. Overall, this wax gourd appears to be suitable for practically any recipe and is popular.

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Top 18 Popular Fruits & Veggies Worldwide