#Boeren Two thirds of the Netherlands is agricultural land. You might not say it - especially if you live in the city - but the Netherlands is still a farmland. Two-thirds of our land area belongs to farmers.

In our countryside, roughly 54,000 Dutch farmers deliver. Unlike the United States, as many agricultural products are exported from any country in the world than from our small, full country. An undesirable situation arising from the agricultural policy of the past decades. In it, the trees grew to the sky, instead of the planet. Blind to the boundaries of soil, water and nature, livestock farmers were encouraged to further scale up — by VVD and CDA, supermarkets, banks and adjacent industries such as construction companies. Most livestock farmers really want to work differently, with more attention to animals and nature, but it cannot be due to the tight margins — even through free-trade treaties that this cabinet is strongly in favour of and which reduce prices.

For too long farmers have been told — by the Ministry, by LTO, Rabobank, ING and ABN-AMRO, that farming and livestock farming can grow unrestricted to “feed the world”. Environmental damage from agriculture €6.5 billion
This makes the sector the second most expensive polluter, concludes the Environmental Planning Bureau (PBL) Contribution to the National Product 8.5 Billion out of 808 billion. Count off your winnings