Learning by getting all freedom not having to learn.

It sounds so nice and relaxed and that's what it is. But still... sometimes it takes trouble to keep faith that it's going to be okay. That's not because of the children or the trust in them. It's because of the inculcated - the how it “gets” according to the books and the numbers.

Confidence and confidence in the development of children - sometimes I find it a big challenge. Today, today some beautiful things were achieved again: they can swim (and hoe!!!)!

#thuisonderwijs #unschooling #leren #zelfonderzoeken #zelfonderzoek #kinderen #opvoeden #frankrijk #platteland #mamavanvijf #zwemmen #zwemles #zelfleren #zelfontdekken
#zelfontplooiing #zelfvertrouwen #boerenleven #terugnaartoen #kinderenonderwijzen


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