It is a device that is practically used by all people, the first patent was filed in April 1999 under the name “USB-based PC flash disk”, and was the responsibility of Amir Ban, Dov Moran and Oron Ogdan, of the company Israel M-Systems. The patent does not describe this technology as we know it today, since it describes it with a cable that connects the memory and the USB port.

On the other hand, we have Pua Khein-Seng, an engineer from Malaysia, who in 1999 founded the company Phison Electronics together with four colleagues. In 2000, according to Khein-Seng, his technology company introduced the USB storage drive with a single internal chip, which he called the “Pen Drive”.

In 2000, the companies Trek 2000 International in Singapore brought to the market what is considered the first USB stick as we know it today, which I call Thumbdrive, for its part the company IBM also released a model of USB memory called DiskonKey. both had an astonishing capacity of 8 megabytes, they were portable, without the use of cables or batteries, which at the time dethroned floppy disks which could only store 14 megabytes. 


USB memory

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