#vaccination #pil #thrombosis #AstraZeneca #obligation

I would like to express my concern if rights were to be linked to vaccines.
The truth is that this will also cause deaths.
why? The vaccine is perhaps more dangerous for some people from before the pill.
In particular, I would like to express my concern about the AstraZeneca vaccine, which is likely to lead to thrombosis like other vaccines..
Those blood clots can be fatal.
The chances of getting them from it are indeed so small that the benefits do not outweigh the disadvantages of taking it out of the market, but still...
From hormonal contraception it is known that it can also lead to blood clots and death. Women with predisposition to thrombosis should not take the pill.
Now our government wants to inject everyone with something that can also be wrong for a certain group of people and to which they want to link rights to.
I'm afraid people are going to do so irresponsible things.
The vaccine is quite new. Interaction with other medications?
It is mainly young women who received blood clots after administration of AstraZeneca. Were these pill users? Women at increased risk who were not allowed to receive a pill, or two things together?
No idea. But is it advisable to give precisely that vaccine to e.g. smoking pill users? To people with a history of thrombosis and a heavily increased risk?
Not to mention the people who react allergic to components of the vaccine and what about people who are allergic and thrombosed patients?
Suppose you're in that last category. Then vaccination might be more dangerous to you than the virus.
Suppose the pass comes. Suppose you won't be allowed to travel freely without testing. Suppose you want to travel with a family. Dad and the kids have been vaccinated. Mom should not be vaccinated for medical reasons. She needs to be tested and tested positive. She's not allowed to go with the rest of the family.
That will be our future, if we allow ourselves to be dominated by our fears.

Vaccination considerations