
The world is a little over a year old, living very difficult moments for our daily lives, and even in our freedom. Today the entire global population has witnessed events, a disease that transcends borders, which has systematically violated the development of each person and the progress of nations.

The Covid-19 vaccination, promoted by the powers, authorities and members of the international community; the WHO, the UN, the EU and the NGOs, among others, repeatedly demonstrate; the moral, tolerant and respectful commitment to the health, safety and protection of humanity. Effort that combats political differences, discrimination based on race, color, sex and creed.

These are certainly difficult times for humanity, but we will get through them. These are very complicated situations, but we will move on. Because we believe in the unity of our countries and our people.

Today the entire planet is proud of the alliance of all, with moral and democratic values, as the only resource to attack diseases or any other vicissitudes that arise. Finally, nations converge, in the desire of those of us who wish to live together healthily in peace and freedom.

By: Licdo Mario Barboza


Vaccination, a resource that integrates nations