#gardening We know that at present one of the main problems we have worldwide is environmental pollution and as the population explosion increases, we have less space to have green areas in our homes and even in cities, spaces are becoming increasingly smaller, so we look for alternatives viable to have nature close and at the same time embellish our city or houses.
Let's see some features of these gardens
These vertical gardens can be installed in different climates and situations, creating a multitude of green surfaces that improve the quality of decoration and landscapes of our homes, businesses or cities.
The fundamental aim is to fully integrate vegetation into architecture, with the aim of achieving the greatest environmental benefits with minimal water and energy consumption.
For this, together with the use of vertical gardens, rainwater collection and storage systems, garden roofs, treatment and reuse of gray water and plant species are often used to optimize the capture of air pollutants.

Some of the benefits of vertical gardens include:
-With only 1m2 of vegetation cover it generates the oxygen required by a person throughout the year as well as trapping 130 grams of dust per year.
-For a 4-storey building (60m2) with a carrier façade, this system filters 40 tons of harmful gases per year, while being able to trap and process 15 kg of heavy metals.
-Improves performance and reduces discomfort for people who have vegetation in their workplace.
Vegetable insulation reduces noise pollution by up to 10 decibels.
-They tend to save space and time The floor walls are hung vertically, taking advantage of a previously existing space. They don't produce as many weeds
-Less money and maintenance are spent: They reduce the temperature inside a building by up to 5 degrees in summer as well as maintaining it in winter, saving up to €500/m2 per year. They do not attract or allow the proliferation of insects and bacteria since this system provides a biological repellent
-Save water: Water consumption is balanced and optimized due to the possibility of installing a closed irrigation circuit.
https://www.google.com/search?q=jardines+verticales&sxsrf=APq-WBt15plra5E_BetsOg5KpFTmkinU6A:1648149421444&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&vet=1&fir=2hb9KCdbTBpNfM%252C0sAYeBuq338PbM%252C_%253BrYXhoLnueWCNqM%252C-hFzffqNfGoOiM%252C_%253Bzyp70LBtsn-36M%252CK5xE1oHXJ7HILM%252C_%253BA4SFNtvLW4EH-M%252C-hFzffqNfGoOiM%252C_%253B5LP7f92WtDl3YM%252CoPDEfAIFyX2u9M%252C_%253BQZBFFOuoxRErPM%252CNMAaawxXVTF2zM%252C_%253BSAloz94SkDNv5M%252COqJcMZ0Sye8zbM%252C_%253BtnnUhCdpl0rT3M%252CaUOqwugLuaCTKM%252C_%253BPLR9FsaqYwHlCM%252CoPDEfAIFyX2u9M%252C_%253BOLHdeVpddx7JiM%252CwMdT7RVc-vB9hM%252C_%253BB_TXOiLqCFL7dM%252CmWCfncWqZpOkxM%252C_%253B7PWoStO56899yM%252CkbugGl9PFDh71M%252C_&usg=AI4_-kTLs5ri3Em2iQa1DAL1pKPbKLB0_w&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi58LSGu9_2AhWvQjABHVdXDZ0Q9QF6BAgFEAE&biw=1422&bih=765&dpr=0.9 #imgrc =ZX1fn6ykjBgbXM