Always special when you can see the landscape from the air. I did a helicopter ride once. The advantage is that you fly quite low, much lower than with an airplane.
Beautiful, unique images. Too bad you were a bit uncomfortable, but the fuel costs a lot of money, isn't it? ?
@enigma yes, of course the fuel is expensive, and so is a helicopter, but this was very expensive (380 euro for 45 minutes). Luckily, we can afford it, but it was a one-off promotion 😁
@Encaustichris Helicopter flights are really always so expensive. We once looked at letting Sint and Piet land on the playground with a helicopter, via a dad who had his own helicopter himself and lives in the village. But it never... Show more@Encaustichris Helicopter flights are really always so expensive. We once looked at letting Sint and Piet land on the playground with a helicopter, via a dad who had his own helicopter himself and lives in the village. But it never happened.
I once flew over Diksmuide and the Belgian coast in a helicopter. I don't think it even took that long.
Already flown in such a sports plane. Much less comfortable. (Shakes and shakes and the pilot wanted some stunts (loops and stuff) - just to make you sick. Landing is also quite an undertaking.)
@enigma Sint and Piet must come by boat 😉. But good to know that it's always so expensive. I loved it, I'm saying it was a one-off, but if there's another outburst, and I get the chance.
@Mevrouw Stip. I can recommend such a flight, if your wallet is thick enough. The takeoff gives quite a wind, I understand, that didn't bother me now, luckily!
What an experience: finding a trip by helicopter, yes, sea glass, is knowing where to look, it seems. It's not natural on every beach. Very nice pieces! The green blue could be from old coca cola bottles.
WOW I am speechless. Had crawled on your lap had made me super light so you didn't even notice. You wrote about your face, I thought, huh, no face seen. I scroll up again. suddenly a lot of beautiful photos come into view. Well, if you hadn't made that comment, I might not have even seen them. Pfffff 😍😍😍
I know now ff pay attention doesn't want to miss anything, of course. Hihi in your cellphone felt like on your lap. But I could see it beautifully 😆
Wow! What a super cool! Such a nice view. Great that you dare to do that. Also crammed up. Brr, I wouldn't be comfortable then. At the first video, I thought: who made that road edge like that 😂 (_-_-_-_-)
Beautiful, unique images. Too bad you were a bit uncomfortable, but the fuel costs a lot of money, isn't it? ?