Are you an entrepreneur or self-employed person and want to write smoothly on the texts for your company? Then walk the writer's path.

Writing is a journey and is characterized by movement, growth and suppleness. The writer's path has seven stages: the 7 P's. For each text you write, walk this path.

P1 - Preparing - preparing, such as collecting and classifying appropriate content for your book - such as questions from your ideal customers, writing down ideas, relevant topics, quotes, useful links and relevant images.

P2 - Plans - Organize your list of topics and divide it into main topics and subtopics. Formulating writing questions for each subtopic and paragraph.

P3 - Produce - Write down your answers to the writing questions. Building your book manuscript.

P4 - Professionalize - This starts when the manuscript is ready for correction and editing. Various choices can be made about who corrects and redacts what. You can do a part yourself and leave the rest to an editor. Or immediately transfer everything to a professional editor who removes all the imperfections of text, language, punctuation marks and crooked sentences and advises you on the structure and style.

P5 - Publishing — Even if you don't publish a book yet, you can publish your texts: on social media, via your mailing list, on your blog, and your website. If you're writing a book, explore the options for publishing. Today, the possibilities of publishing are limitless: from self-publishing to publishing your book through the traditional publisher. Keep in mind that a traditional publisher will publish your book for you but won't sell it for you. Make your choice and publish your book after the work of your editor and designer.

P6 - Present - Your book is a gift to the world. Present that wherever you can. Talk about it, give it to those who need it, sell it, sign it, create a connection and relationship with your readers. In short: offer your gift on a silver platter.

P7 - Participate - Always stay in conversation with your readers. On social media, in the flesh, in your mind and in everything you write. Ask your readers questions, thank them, ask for feedback, or provide information.

PS - This is from my latest book Discover the writer in yourself.

Walk the Writer's Path

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