Wasp plague has begun.
The wasps have now completed their nests and come out to find food, from now on. Be prepared for that. Hereby TIPS to keep wasps away and what to do if you are stabbed, but also what you should NOT do.

— so the wasps remain away—
▪ Clove. wasps hate this! They'll be gone very quickly.
▪ Lemon. wasps do not like lemon air.
▪ Incense in the house, or any smoke. There are wasps not charmed by this.
▪ Plant sprayer, spray the wings wet. (Maximum 1x, otherwise they will become aggressive)

— What to do if you are stabbed?.—
☆ Top tip! Wet paracetamol. (Make it a gruel) smear it on the stab, and leave it for 5 minutes. Guaranteed result!
▪ As with nettle, the tip of a dandelion often helps reduce pain.
▪ After stab helps to prevent swelling and pain.

— What you shouldn't do —
☆ Top Donts. Beating around you anxiously. The chances of you being pricked are very high.
▪ Spatting or hitting. Not even if you're sure you're winning, because he's anti-odour to warn other wasps. Because of this there will be more!
▪ Run. If you run, you make it even more interesting for the wasp, or it can become aggressive. Just walk away quietly.

— Wasp (s) after you —
▪ Go inside. The wasps follow you, but they don't go inside.

