A year ago, we almost left for Canada. Secretly I feel lucky that we don't have the prospect of this wonderful trip this year. Almost a year ago I was in this place at #huwelijk asked. Wednesday 8 May 2019. Exactly one year later we would #trouwen Friday, May 8, 2020. Unfortunately, our plans are seriously confused by the #coronavirus and our positivity is strongly appealed to. The blow that our wedding is not going on this year is over and now we are looking forward to it again with hope. We moved our wedding to Saturday 8 May 2021. It will take a while, but it's good. The moment the blow came for us, we held each other well and looked at each other well in the eyes. You're not gonna let anyone do this, but we're not gonna let us sit on our heads. Our wedding in 2021 is going to be even more beautiful, even bigger and even better. For example, this year we were not planning to #huwelijksreis , but next year we will definitely put this honeymoon after our wedding. We were thinking of a fireworks show on our #bruiloft , but we thought that was a bit over the top, but this one will definitely be there next year! In the meantime, we have reversed our thoughts so that we still find the most important thing that we can actually celebrate our day next year with all our loved ones. That they can attend our wedding in good health. Together, we are going to make sure that we can look forward to the most beautiful day of our lives. And me? I have enough content/inspiration to write about our preparations 2.0 for a year.

The last few days, I got a nice message from many of you. I appreciate that very much and has done me well!

We are getting married! 2.0