Weekreading of 23 March 2020

As a coach for starting entrepreneurs and those who are already entrepreneurs and the self-employed person, I give a support and insight for this group every week by laying different cards from a few decks.

You can see the weekreading via the link below: https://youtu.be/z0xsf628Fkg Be creative and look for creative solutions but see where there are still challenges ahead and what can you achieve right now?

I wish everyone a nice and loving week in light love and strength and a hug for those people who need it for a moment in this time. #startendeondernemers #startendeondernemershelpen #coachvoorstartendeondernemers #ondernemerscoach #spiritueelbusinesscoach #inzichtinjeonderneming #startendeondernemerscoach

Weekreading of 23 March 2020