There are eight grammatical features in the English language: thing, pronoun, action word, descriptor, verb modifier, relational word, combination, and addition. The grammatical feature demonstrates how the word capacities insignificance just as syntactically inside the sentence. A singular word can work as more than one grammatical feature when utilized in various conditions. Understanding grammatical features are fundamental for deciding the right meaning of a word when utilizing the word reference.
1. Noun
A thing is the name of an individual, spot, thing, or thought.
man... Butte College... house... satisfaction
A thing is a word for an individual, spot, thing, or thought. Things are regularly utilized with an article (the, a, an), however not generally. Formal people, places, or things consistently start with a capital letter; normal things don't. Things can be particular or plural, concrete or dynamic. Things show ownership by adding 's. Things can work in various jobs inside a sentence; for instance, a thing can be a subject, direct article, backhanded item, subject supplement, or object of a relational word.
A word utilized instead of a thingβs name is called pronoun.
She... we... they... it
A pronoun is a word utilized instead of a thing. A pronoun is generally filled in for a particular thing, which is called its precursor. In the sentence over, the predecessor for the pronoun she is the young lady. Pronouns are additionally characterized by type: individual pronouns allude to explicit people or things; possessive pronouns show proprietorship; reflexive pronouns are utilized to accentuate another thing or pronoun; relative pronouns present a subordinate proviso; and decisive pronouns distinguish, highlight, or allude to things.
3. Action word
An action word communicates activity or being.
hop... is... compose... become
The action word in a sentence communicates activity or being. There is a fundamental action word and some of the time at least one aiding action word. ("She can sing." Sing is the fundamental action word; can is the aiding action word.) An action word should concur with its subject in number (both are solitary or both are plural). Action words likewise take various structures to communicate tensely.
4. Descriptor
A descriptor adjusts or portrays a thing or pronoun.
pretty... old... blue... savvy
A descriptor is a word used to adjust or portray a thing or a pronoun. It ordinarily addresses the topic of which one, what kind, or the number of. (Articles [a, an, the] are normally named descriptive words.)
5. Qualifier
An intensifier changes or depicts an action word, a descriptor, or another qualifier.
delicately... incredibly... cautiously... well
An intensifier portrays or adjusts an action word, a descriptor, or another qualifier, however never a thing. It ordinarily addresses the inquiries of when, where, how, why, under what conditions, or how much. Verb modifiers frequently end in - ly.
6. Relational word
A relational word is a word set before a thing or pronoun to frame an expression adjusting one more word in the sentence.
by... with.... about... until
(by the tree, with our companions, about the book, until tomorrow)
A relational word is a word set before a thing or pronoun to shape an expression changing one more word in the sentence. Thusly a relational word is in every case part of a prepositional expression. The prepositional expression quite often works as a modifier or as a qualifier.Β Β
7. Combination
A combination joins words, expressions, or provisions.
furthermore, yet... or then again... while... since
A combination joins words, expressions, or provisions, and shows the connection between the components joined. Planning conjunctions associate linguistically equivalent components: and, in any case, or, nor, for, in this way, yet. Subjecting conjunctions associate statements that are not equivalent: on the grounds that, in spite of the fact that, while, since, and so forth There are different kinds of conjunctions also.
8. Interposition
Interposition is a word used to communicate feeling.
Oh!... Wow!... Oh no!
An addition is a word used to communicate feeling. It is regularly trailed by an interjection point.
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