616 is an area code located in the state of Michigan, US. The largest city it serves is Grand Rapids.
Location, time zone and map of the 616 area code
Local time
11:37:05 AM, Friday 15, July 2022 EDT 24 hours
Time difference to GMT/UTC
Standard time: UTC/GMT -5:00 hours
Daylight saving time: +1:00 hour
Current time zone offset: UTC/GMT -4:00 hours
Time zone abbreviation: EDT
Daylight Saving Time 2022 (Summer Time)
DST starts on Sunday 13 March 2022, 02:00
DST ends on Sunday 06 November 2022, 02:00
Time zone
The 616 area code lies within the Eastern Time (ET)
EST - Eastern Standard Time
EDT - Eastern Daylight Time when daylight saving time is being observed (from mid-March to early November)
616 Area code location map
The 616 area code currently uses an overlay to begin service. Therefore all calls within the area code are seven-digit dialing. The boundaries of 616 and its overlay are contiguous with those of the Grand Rapids-Wyoming Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), although some portions of that "metropolitan" region are actually located in other area codes. Portions of Allegan County in the south were part of 269 (before 1996) and 810 (after 1996), while Muskegon County was part of 517 until 1998.
Area Code 616:
Area code 616 is the number Plan area code for West Michigan, which is a region of Lower Michigan that is mainly focused around the state's second-largest city. The 616 code was split off from the original 231 area code in 1997 when the latter was subdivided to provide area codes for all of Michigan's lower peninsula. Today, 616 serves the counties of Allegan, Barry, Ionia, Kent, Muskegon, Montcalm, and Ottawa, as well as small portions of northern Gratiot County and western Washtenaw County.
Code 616 Covered Area:
The area code covers all of Kent County except for the southern portion of the county (including Walker and Oceana counties) which are served by area code 269. Area code 616 also covers Allegan County except for a portion that is served by 269. The two counties are separated from each other by and were once connected by a single line under the lake. That line remains but is unused; instead, a fiber optic cable connection carries phone traffic between the two counties.
Time Zone of Area 616:
Area Code 616 covers the State of Michigan. This is the only Area Code that is contained in the State of Michigan, United States Of America. The FIPS code for this area code is the US. Area code 616 covers the time zone of Eastern time in the United States. The latitude of 616 is 42.971904 and the longitude is -83.048496. The total population for the above area code is 264,000. There are 58,000 households and the average income for the above area code is $46,845.
States In Area Code 616:
1) Michigan: The 616 area code is located in the state of Michigan, and according to Intelius data, covers roughly 1,424,524 phone numbers. The area code was first assigned to service providers in 1996. Each area code has a 3-digit geographical area that's associated with it. Area codes are used by carriers to determine local calling areas so that they can route calls between different carriers.
2) Grand Rapids: Is the name of a local Grand Rapids, comes in area code 616. The name is derived from the telephone area code for Grand Rapids, MI. It was organized in 1988 as a nonprofit organization to promote tourism in the city of Grand Rapids. It later expanded its focus to promote all of Kent County and West Michigan.
3) Zeeland Michigan: Exchange Code 616 represents the telephone area code for Zeeland, Michigan. The exchange code 616 is used in the US state of Michigan to denote a geographical region. Area code 616 covers the entire local calling area including the city of Zeeland (population: 536).
Major cities and communities served by area code 616Kent County
Grand Rapids
East Grand Rapids
Comstock Park
Cedar Springs
Kent City
Ottawa County
Grand Haven
Spring Lake
Grand Traverse County
Traverse City
Ionia County
Lake Odessa
Montcalm County
Barry County
Muskegon County
Counties that Use 616 Area Code
Allegan CountyAntrim CountyBarry CountyBerrien CountyCalhoun CountyCharlevoix CountyIonia CountyKalamazoo CountyKent CountyMontcalm CountyMuskegon CountyOceana CountyOttawa CountySaint Joseph CountyVan Buren County
Major Cities that Use 616 Area Code
Grand RapidsWyomingHollandAllendaleJenisonGrandvilleIoniaGrand HavenComstock ParkGreenville
All Cities & Towns that Use 616 Area Code
AdaAllendaleAltoBay ShoreBedfordBeldingBelmontBradleyBurnipsByron CenterCaledoniaCannonsburgCasnoviaCedar SpringsClarksvilleCloverdaleComstockComstock ParkConklinCoopersvilleDorrDouglasEastportFerrysburgFreeportGowenGrand HavenGrand RapidsGrandvilleGreenvilleHagar ShoresHarbertHollandHudsonvilleIoniaJamestownJenisonKendallKent CityLacotaLake OdessaLamontLeonidasLowellMacatawaMarneMolineNazarethNew TroyNottawaNunicaOrleansOshtemoRiversideRockfordSand LakeSaranacSmyrnaSpartaSpring LakeTrufantWalkervilleWalloon LakeWaylandWest OliveWyomingZeeland
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