The term "rainbow baby" may be unfamiliar to those who have never lost a baby. But it has a profound and even life-changing meaning for many people. The infant loss community is using this rainbow symbol for many years. The birth of a rainbow baby does not alleviate the grief.  But Rainbow baby, on the other hand, represents hope and brightness for many parents following a difficult period. But first, we should need to know who is a rainbow baby and why is it called so? Here we talk about what is a rainbow baby?

What is a rainbow baby?

A rainbow baby is an infant born to a couple following a miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, molar pregnancy, medical termination, stillbirth, or neonatal death. A rainbow baby is also a term that people use to describe an adopted child. This symbolic name is given to these babies as they bring exceptional joy to the parents. The name is a lovely reminder that a rainbow usually follows a storm, offering a hope for the future. These babies bring in love and brightness after a time of darkness.

Emotions Associated with Pregnancy
There might be a lot of ups and downs throughout those nine months while pregnant with a rainbow baby. Expect to experience a range of different—and even conflicting—emotions when pregnant with a rainbow baby. It's normal to have optimism, joy, and excitement one minute and anxiety, anxiousness, and fear the next.  You may have them all at once. The conflicting feelings that come with having a rainbow baby don't always end with the birth.  Women who lose their babies early suffer despair or anxiety can last up to three years.
It's critical to anticipate how long one’s mourning will continue. A new baby can’t replace a baby one has lost. While the expecting woman may be too preoccupied with the thought of having a baby, she forgets to realize that she is still mourning.

What makes rainbow babies unique?
A rainbow baby is a sign of hope and healing, and it offers immense joy after a terrible period. Rainbow babies are valued memories for parents who have lost children.  During the pregnancy, the doctor usually informs about the tests and monitoring options available.  
A miscarriage or the loss of a new born is a devastating ordeal. If you've had a similar loss and are expecting a rainbow baby, keep in mind that the feelings you're experiencing won't go away overnight, even if you have a new baby on the way. Remember to give yourself time to grieve. Surrounding yourself with supportive, understanding people, whether it's your spouse, a friend, a family member, a therapist, a support group of parents who've also suffered loss, or even a kind doctor would be beneficial.

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What is a rainbow baby?