A dependent variable is a measurable quantity that depends on one or more independent variables. In scientific experiments, the independent variables are typically manipulated by the experimenter, while the dependent variable is measured to determine the effects of the manipulation.

Dependent variable in science

In science, a dependent variable is the outcome of an experiment that is expected to change when the independent variable is altered. For example, if you are studying the effects of temperature on plant growth, the height of the plants would be the dependent variable, since you would expect it to vary in temperature.

A dependent variable is a measure or value that is dependent on the input or measure in science that is used to calculate the ratio of two signals. This type of measurement is often used in biochemical assays, where it is used to calculate the amount of a specific protein or enzyme. Other common types of dependent variables include dose-response curves and time-series data.

Different type name of dependent variable
Response variable - They answered to a change in another variable.
Outcome variable - They describe the end result you want to measure.
Left hand side variable - They come out on the left hand side of a regression equation.

Use of dependent variable data

Dependent variables can be very useful for identifying the cause of changes in a system. By controlling the independent variables, scientists can isolate the effects of the dependent variable and better understand how it works.

In many cases, the dependent variable is the variable of interest in an experiment, and scientists will go to great lengths to control for other variables that could potentially affect the outcomes. This is especially important when trying to isolate the effects of a single independent variable.

Things to know about Dependent Variable

It's important to note that the dependent variable is not always the end product of the experiment. For example, in an experiment to measure the electrical conductivity of a material, the dependent variable would be the electrical current, while the material's resistance would be the independent variable.

The independent variable is the variable that scientists control in an experiment in order to study the effects of the dependent variable. It's important to note that the independent variable is not always the outcome of the experiment. For example, in an experiment to measure the electrical conductivity of a material, the independent variable would be the voltage, while the material's resistance would be the dependent variable.

Both the independent and dependent variables are important to scientists because they allow them to measure and study the effects of different variables on a particular outcome.


In general, the dependent variable is the variable that changes in response to the independent variable.  Scientists try to measure or replace an experiment in independent variables. Knowing what a dependent variable is and how it is used can be helpful in conducting different types of research. When you are trying to understand what the variables are, one can remember that the independent variables are the cause while the dependent variables are the effect.

What is an dependent variable in science?