Many normal people suffer from anxiety or when in a previous conversation they say they suffer from constant anxiety. But what is anxiety? Anxiety is a term used for a variety of disorders that can turn into physical symptoms caused by anxiety, fear and anxiety. There are various levels of anxiety in which you may experience mild anxiety which can affect the most serious symptoms that cause mental and physical health problems.
Anxiety often occurs when someone is dealing with something outside of their comfort zone so it can be a lot of challenging situations. For example, if you are going to write an exam, attend an interview or give a talk. It affects people in different ways because for some these conditions can be considered normal but for many others, they can affect your whole life such as not being able to sleep, making mistakes at work or not being able to eat properly. Often, anxiety occurs when the reaction is exaggerated by what is usually expected. Anxiety disorders can be categorized into more specific types. Below are some of the most common types of anxiety.
G.A.D - Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Generalized Anxiety Disorder is a severe form of anxiety that is characterized by excessive long-term anxiety and fear of indirect events and situations. These people with G.A.D are concerned with all sorts of problems. This could be family life, work-related problems, health, financial worries but you have trouble controlling their fears. This fear is often viewed by outsiders as less and less obvious than what might be expected in these situations. This can sometimes be considered a bit unfair as they can be very empathetic and critical of a person who has a problem dealing with serious but stressful everyday issues, such as social work, relationships and work-related issues.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a disorder caused by a pre-existing stress disorder. These can be serious offenses such as assault or burglary in serious cases such as kidnapping, rape or a war veteran. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder involves going back to that particular event and can cause depressive behavior when the situation is remembered.
What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)? Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a disorder that may be irrational and recurrent but the patient alleviates his or her compulsive disorder by performing a persistent pattern such as excessive hand washing, door locks, oven light changes and regular personal cleaning.
Social Anxiety Disorder?
Social Anxiety Disorder is a social phobia that is the fear of social stigma and judgment of people with a negative attitude. Examples of this may be fear of intimacy or when the actor is under a lot of pressure due to stage shock. This can have a detrimental effect on a person by staying permanently and avoiding exposure to the community and reaching critical situations that leave normal life impossible.
Panic Disorder? Panic Disorder is a type of anxiety that is characterized by short, sudden seizures and panic attacks that lead to difficulty breathing, dizziness and nausea. Panic attacks occur very quickly and reach a peak after 15 minutes, but can take hours. Panic disorders sometimes occur after a traumatic experience or prolonged depression, but they can recur again. A panic attack may lead to a person noticing any changes in his or her normal body function, describing it as a life-threatening illness - a precaution followed by hypochondriasis. Also, the attack leads the patient to expect more panic attacks, which may cause major changes in his or her behavior to avoid these attacks.
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