Remission refers to the absence of cancer signs and symptoms. Partial or total remission is possible. When a cancer patient is in complete remission, all signs and symptoms of the disease have disappeared. If you remain in total remission for five years or longer, some physicians may declare you cured.
If you remain in total remission for five years or longer, some physicians may declare you cured. Even after therapy, certain cancer cells may linger in your body for several years. These cells may one day cause cancer to recur. Most malignancies that recur do so within the first five years following treatment. However, cancer may recur later in life. As a result, doctors cannot guarantee that you are cured. They can only state that there are no symptoms of cancer at the moment.
Due to the possibility of cancer recurrence, your doctor will watch you for several years and do tests to look for signs of cancer recurrence. Additionally, they will look for evidence of late complications from the cancer therapies you underwent.
Understanding Statistics About Survival
Doctors predict prognosis using data compiled over several years by researchers on people who have the same form of cancer. Numerous statistical techniques can be employed to evaluate prognosis.
Cancer-specific survival
This is the percentage of patients with a particular type and stage of cancer who have not died of the disease within a specified period following diagnosis. The period may be one year, two years, five years, or more, with five years being the most frequently utilised. Survival specific to cancer is often referred to as disease-specific survival. Cancer-specific survival is frequently determined by the causes of death indicated in medical records.
Relative survival
This statistic is another way to evaluate cancer-specific survival that does not rely on cause-of-death information. It is the percentage of cancer patients who survive for a specified period following diagnosis in comparison to the general population.
Overall survival
This percentage of persons diagnosed with a particular type and stage of cancer has not died of any cause over a specified period following diagnosis.
Disease-free survival
This statistic represents the percentage of patients who remain cancer-free for a specified amount of time following therapy. This statistic is also known as recurrence-free or progression-free survival.
Because statistics are based on vast groups of people, they cannot forecast what will happen to you specifically. Every individual is unique. Treatments and how individuals respond to treatment can vary significantly.
Additionally, it takes years to realise the impact of new medicines and methods of cancer detection. As a result, your doctor's information to create a prognosis may not reflect current treatment options.
Nonetheless, your doctor may inform you that you have a favourable prognosis if statistics indicate that your cancer will likely react well to treatment. Alternatively, he may inform you that your prognosis is bad if the cancer is more difficult to control. Whatever your doctor tells you, remember that a prognosis is a best-case scenario. Your physician has no way of knowing how it will go for you.
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