
Today after the conversation with a friend, the subject of mythologies came to light whether they were true or an invention of man.

It's a man's invention !!!

It is a subject that has a lot to cover, since mythology is a set of relatively cohesive or parallel myths: stories that are part of a certain culture.

Discourses, narratives or cultural expressions of sacred origin are also called myths, and which were subsequently secularized and treated as discourses relating to a culture, an era or a series of beliefs of an imaginary nature.

One of the ancient mythologies is the Egyptian one and one of the most important gods or deities:

It is the god Ra is the symbol of sunlight, creator of life, and responsible for the cycle of death and resurrection, is the god of the sun and the origin of life.

It was said that every night he traveled for him in the form of Auf-Ra, the setting sun.

To travel through the sky it was believed that he did it by boat from East to West on a 24-hour trip; by day it was a boat known as “Mandjet”; at night he travels on a small barge called “Mensenktet”; according to the moments of the trip, it manifested itself in three different entities: at dawn it was Jepri; at noon, Horajti and at dusk, Atum.

This culture boomed much like many others, the different deities, are simply part of the imagination of man, they are myths that are created to fill the people with fantasy.

What is Mythology?