What is ‘Panch-tattva’ and how it is vital in human lives?
As per our Hindu Mythology, ‘PANCHTATTVA’ denotes five elements of the universe or the “Pancha mahabhutas”. These are Jal (Water), Agni (Fire), Vayu (Air), Aakash (Space), and Prithivi (Earth). It is believed that our body is made up of Panch-Tattva called Pinda. These five elements are connected to our senses: smell, taste, hearing, sensation, and sight. Any inequality in our internal and external Vastucanchange our life into a bad situation. Vastu teaches us to maintain harmony with these five elements.
The definition of five correct characters from the five elements (tattvas) is gracefully and passionately done. Since these elements help us assess our own suppressed power, inherent natural traits, and character-building, and as we are born as human beings with the combination of these five elements, it would be beneficial for us if we cultivate these characters through these elements. It also helps us in removing the veil of our ego and our other mental coverage. In Hinduism, the human body is a combination of five essential elements of nature.
1) Jal (water)
The qualities of water elements include liquidity or fluidity. Water imparts the crucial quality of binding – e.g. when we add water to the soil, we can only easily mold the mud into a shape we desire, like mud pot or balls, etc. Thus, this essential element is constructive and exhibits adhesion, cooling, binding, and liquidity qualities. The core of the water element is Taste or Rasa.
2) Agni (Fire)
The air element performs movements, and it causes friction whenever there is movement leading to the formation of fire. The qualities of the fire element are related to various purposes such as penetration, digestion of food, conversion of thoughts, judgment, and perception of light. The core of the fire element is Vision or Rupa.
3) Vayu (Air)
The air element is related to movement or a sense of constant motion. The qualities of air elements include sensitivity, motion, calm and subtle presence, and skin is the sensory organ related to the air element. The core of the air element is Touch or Sparsha.
4) Aakash (Space)
Talking about the Akash (ether/ sky) is related to the sense of hearing; the jnanendriya is the ear, and the karmendirya is vocals or mouth.
5) Prithvi (Earth)
The earth is solid, gross, firm, and dense. This element gives form, shape, structure, and strength. E.g., teeth, nails, bones, and muscles. The nose is the sense organ linked to the earth element. The core of the Earth element is Smell or Gandha. These panchamahabhutas imbalance create “tridoshas.” The proportions of these three doshas’ are estimated at this time and remain unchanged during their life. These doshas together determine our Prakriti (body organization).Each mankind is either ofVaatprakruti or Pitta prakruti or Kafaprakruti.
Every human body is a well-adjusted combination of the vaat, pitta, and kafa. These doshas give healthy status to the individual in an ideal balance state. But when there is an imbalance, it results in disorder. So, the whole concept of Panch-tattva is a vital segment in Ayurveda and yoga because unless these components are not in the proper alignment, no one can ever gain the privilege of good life and health.