Human gets food from plants and animals, animals from plants and other animal, then where does plant’s food come from? Do they get it from soil or the manure and fertilizers we often add to soil? The answer is no!! Plants are known as produces in food chain which implies that they prepare their food themselves. Plants prepare their food in leaves in presence of sunlight, taking carbon dioxide from atmosphere and water from the ground. The process is called as photosynthesis. All plants, algae, and even certain microbes use this process. Photosynthesis is essential for the survival of the vast majority of life on Earth. It is the process through which nearly all of the biosphere's energy is created and then circulated in the food chain. Here we talk about photosynthesis and what is the equation of photosynthesis?

What is photosynthesis?
Photosynthesis is a process that plants and certain microorganisms utilize to transform water and carbon dioxide into sugar (glucose) and oxygen.  It came from the Greek terms photo, which means "light," and synthesis, which means "putting together." Photosynthetic organisms provide the foundation of Earth's food chain and are consumed directly or indirectly by all higher living forms. Furthermore, photosynthesis is responsible for approximately all of the oxygen in the atmosphere. During photosynthesis, oxygen gas (as a by-product) is released into the atmosphere, which is utilized by almost all the living organisms of the Earth to breathe. The whole biosphere including all life forms could collapse in absence of photosynthesis. Because there would be no food to eat as well as no oxygen to breathe.
The Photosynthesis process could be separated into two phases: light-dependent and light-independent processes. The light-dependent reaction uses energy acquired from sunlight by chloroplasts in plant leaves to provide an electron supply for light-independent reactions. The light-independent processes convert carbon dioxide to glucose using energy from the electron supply.

The procedure
Plants take carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) from the air and soil during photosynthesis respectively. In the plant cell, water is oxidized, which means it loses electrons, but carbon dioxide is reduced, which means it gains electrons. Water is transformed into oxygen while carbon dioxide is converted to glucose. The plant then discharges oxygen into the air while transport the glucose to the different parts for consumption.  

Photosynthesis Equation
6CO2  +  6H2O + (energy)  → C6H12O6 + 6O2 + 6H2O
(Carbon dioxide) (Water) (Glucose) (Oxygen) (Water)

The equation shows the mechanism by which plants and some microbes manufacture glucose from carbon dioxide and water utilizing energy from sunlight. Most plants get the water from the roots, carbon dioxide absorbed by the leaves from air with the help of stomata present on the surface of leaves, and the chloroplasts captures sunlight.
In the presence of sunshine, photosynthesis is an anabolic process in which the plant synthesis their food on their own by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and water from the soil.

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What is the equation of photosynthesis