I have no experience with giving birth or getting a tattoo, so I was hesitating between migraines and heartbreak. The latter takes longer, so that's what I chose. But I prefer to skip all these painful cases!
When your child is in intensive care. That was the most painful moment that I had to wait in a parents' room and heard my child's ventilation stop and then you'll be told that she will be taken to the ICU and that she will then have to be transported to... Show moreWhen your child is in intensive care. That was the most painful moment that I had to wait in a parents' room and heard my child's ventilation stop and then you'll be told that she will be taken to the ICU and that she will then have to be transported to another hospital because the ICU is better there. That you don't see your child among all those machines until hours later. That is impossible to imagine. When something like that happens, you literally and figuratively become so sick of misery. I couldn't cycle my way home from the hospital. I couldn't get the pedals around. I stood there for half an hour on an empty shopping street crying. I was completely broken. I never felt so broken back then. I weighed only 47 kilos at the time. Fortunately, this was many years ago and I can say that I was allowed to get my child back from a coma. A miracle!
Until a few months ago, I was going to say “give birth”, because breaking a bone doesn't hurt equally everywhere. And I know it. Breaking a vertebra is just painful. And that takes ages (I'm almost 8 months later) before the pain goes away. In fact, the fra... Show moreUntil a few months ago, I was going to say “give birth”, because breaking a bone doesn't hurt equally everywhere. And I know it. Breaking a vertebra is just painful. And that takes ages (I'm almost 8 months later) before the pain goes away. In fact, the fracture heals, but the vertebra never recovers to its original shape, as is the case with any other fracture. It grows back together.
As far as I'm concerned, CRPS is the most physically painful thing I have. Childbirth also hurts but is quickly forgotten when your child is in your arms. Tattoos after 18 hours in the chair, I had to curse twice and that was on the spine and groin. But emotional pain, that's the worst pain.