- #health

A dog should absolutely not eat or eat some foods or nutrients because this can be very harmful to even fatal to his health.

This is usually not told when people buy a dog, which now happens a bit more in coronatijden than before. I hope that after the corona period the dogs will still be welcome to these people and that no abandoned along the road are found or returned in large numbers to the shelter..

So it might be interesting for every dog lover to know what to look for because their pet can stay healthy in this context.
Feel free to fill in if I forget cases.

- Chocolate is very toxic to dogs and this for their heart and nervous system. It depends, of course, on the weight of the dog how much he can eat there
before it becomes dangerous. (for a dog weighing 10 kg, 50 to 100 gr of chocolate can be fatal already).

- Never give alcohol to your dog. From the least amount he can be confused and some large quantities are fatal

- Bones and fish bones that are easily shattered are also dangerous and can cause wounds and perforations in the esophagus and stomach.

- Salt is also very toxic. So pay attention in the winter as the roads are sprinkled. Also 4 gr per kilo of weight can be lethal.

- Grapes and raisins are extremely toxic to your dog. Already from 4 gr per kilo of weight it can already be lethal.

- Onions are also toxic to the blood of the dog.

- Avocados in large quantities are deadly to a dog.

Always be careful if your dog tries to eat something on his walks. They're constantly sniffing in the grass side, and before you know it, they have something in their mouths. Not everyone is dog lover or loves dogs. You read in the newspaper occasionally that dogs are deliberately poisoned. If you see that the dog behaves strangely after a walk and vomits, go to the vet as soon as possible. You might be able to save his life with it..

photo: my dog Yuki the American Aktia the first day we met her (4 months old)

What should your dog definitely not eat!!!

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