VenezuelaIt turns out and happens, that the creator of this word is none other than Don Andres Bello. It was the baptism he made of a sweet based on Orange Pulp, Grapefruit Pulp and Cream, which remained gelatinous, and fleshy when mixed and allowed to cool.
The inventor of said candy was a 21-year-old Dutch maid, with green eyes, blonde hair and white complexion, named Mathilde. Historian José Agustín Catalá says that some time later, Don Andrés Bello, decided to have affairs with said maid, even though he was married and decided to use a code phrase, so that no one in the house would know about his infidelity. He arrived at the house, after a strenuous day of work, went to the kitchen where the beautiful girl was and subtly, after taking a jar of guarapo de cana, he would approach the aforementioned one and say: “Mathilde, I want Totona”.
Later, the phrase “Totona” was popularized in Caracas and Venezuela, assuming it as a synonym for “Vagina”, to such an extent that Don Andrés Bello's sweet was rarely cooked in Venezuelan stoves.
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Where did the word “Totona” originate