I'm sure we all know the 4 elements. The signs of the zodiac consist of four grops: Earth, air, water and fire
I think everyone inside is a combination of multiple elements.
Which element type suits you? Multiple, or does an element jump forward?

Which element suits you?
Earth stands for hold.
You sometimes hear: 'she is very earth', which may mean that the person in question stands with two legs on the ground, has a grip and gives hold. She stands firmly on earth, loves tangible things and wants to understand everything. An Earth type likes to make itself useful.
There are many exercises that allow you to “ground” yourself in those moments when you float in thoughts or emotions (air and water).
Air stands for the power of thought.
Someone who's an air type can see things well. An air type is rational and likes theoretical matters and abstract thinking.
But what an air type thinks today may be different tomorrow.
Water stands for emotions and letting these emotions flow.
Think of tears and the flow of tears. Water types are feelings people. Logic, as in the air types, plays no role for watery people. They can quickly get hit and hurt by their great sensitivity. They feel what a situation or person when they call and act and then react from their feelings. They are very involved in what is happening around them but do not attach logic to that, so it is difficult to articulate things.
Fireis enthusiasm and passion.
'She is a fiery person', someone who is passionate about something that conveyed full of energy and surrender. If you are ardent, you often react spontaneously and enthusiastically. You can be impulsive, som
and you often act from emotion and intuition.

Earth — Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Air — Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Water — Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Fire — Aries, Lion, Sagittarius #elementen #Earth #vuur #lucht #water #sterrenbeelden #karaktereigenschappen
#symboliek #persoonskenmerken #Stier #Maagd #Steenbok #Kreeft #Schorpioen #Vissen #Ram #Leeuw #Boogschutter #spirituele #tekens #dierenriem

Which element suits you? Fire, earth, air or water?