While everyone is talking about CO2 reduction, it should mainly be about the decline in the insect population, the unbridled tree hood that takes place (is to be used as a biomass, so according to Paris, is environmentally friendly.), the environmental pressure of electric cars (going to) batteries, the use of plastics and chemicals that end up in the sea and water, the particulate matter pollution of petrol cars and so much more.

Attached docu is from VPRO's 2Doc, according to most, a reliable medium, and shows how our living environment is being destroyed.

Dutch politics act as a corrupt industry errand boy and facilitates this pollution. The Netherlands is actually the dirtiest boy in the classroom, which does not help any CO2 reduction.
Cesspool Netherlands

In-depth environmental crime investigation in the Netherlands. Environmental detectives tell in the documentary 'Cesspool Netherlands' how fraudulent waste companies have been able to go undisturbed for decades.

 While everyone talks about CO2 reduction