Rob Wijnberg of the Correspondent understands that it is exhausting, but I would like to talk about the crisis that the world is now in its grasp, which we have ignored and trivialized for too long, which was first dismissed by populists as nonsense, which makes us all extra hard. , the weakest among us the hardest, with China and the US as epicentre of the problem.I'm talking, of course, about #klimaatverandering .

Agreement 1: The problem is largely invisible (and that invisibility is the problem)Contra-intuitive but true: the dangerous thing about the coronavirus is not so much that the disease you get from it is very serious, but that it is not so serious for many. The fact that many patients hardly show any symptoms has greatly contributed to the spread of the virus.

One and a half degrees increase: that seems, even for the climate, 'but a flu'

Something similar applies to climate change: most of us are simply experiencing the consequences too little to realize that the earth is warming up — let alone want to do something about it. One and a half degrees increase: that seems, even for the climate, 'but a flu'. This is partly due to the incubation period. More than a week has been a long time for a viral disease — think about how many people you can infect unnoticed at that time. But the incubation period of climate change is truly disastrous: decades, if not more.
The effects of climate change extend as far as the year 2200 and beyond. And even if we found a magical way to end all CO2 emissions tomorrow, 15 to 40 percent of the CO2 we produce will still be in the air in a thousand years.

Although the coronacrisis has overwhelmed the world, it did not come unexpectedly. After all, it is the result of a number of fundamental weaving errors in our globalised world.

Weaving errors that are now more visible than ever. That our dealings with animals are untenable. That patent law in the pharmaceutical industry poses a danger to public health. That the fossil industry, like the financial sector, can only exist by virtue of privatised profits and socialised burdens.

The climate crisis requires an equally fundamental redevelopment of society.

In 30 years, the whole fossil world order must be transformed into a CO2 free economy, in which almost every production process must be reinvented, in a way that distributes its costs and benefits more fairly.

For the record, I am not saying that what we are doing now to combat the coronavirus is the same as what climate change demands from us. Conservative commentators already create that deceptive impression

This article in the National Review already gives the impression that action against climate change is mainly 'losses'. 'The coronavirus economy is a preview of the Green New Deal Economy' to discredit climate policy. Paraphrased: 'See, millions of unemployed, dense restaurants and never travel again: this is what the future looks like when we listen to the climate mafia. '

No, a sustainable society is not a pandemic bunker. The agreement is that the necessary change will be far-reaching. There really is no app for it.

Read also: 'Can you control the coronavirus with an app? ' of correspondents Maurits Martijn and Dimitri Tokmetzis.

Because continue to consider the land as a bottomless treasure and the air as an infinite waste bin to artificially raise quarterly profits, with CEOs comparing the size of their bonus in reality-tight boardrooms, while at the same time begging for taxpayers' money refuse to pay: no, that's not the normal thing we can return to.

But if the coronacrisis shows something, it is: big social change to protect us all, it can. Now is the time to overcome not one but two crises. Starting with the trillions (!) to spend on coronameasures sustainably.

No state aid to fossil industries without an exit strategy to a CO2-free business model within 30 years. No State aid to companies with bank accounts in tax havens. And all the more state aid for truly sustainable alternatives. What did we think of that?

Before Mother Earth ends up in the ICU.

Excerpts from Why climate change is a pandemic in slow motion (and what we can learn from it)

Photos Benoit Aquin The Chinese Dust Bowl

Why climate change is a pandemic in slow motion