In the article of the AD, an American professor is interviewed about his book:
Clean - what science teaches us about skin and hygiene.
Body odour says something about our personality, which you'll flower when you use soap all the time.
Too much soap is bad for the skin, but even warm water without soap can already be devastating for the good bacteria. If you remove skin oil by jumping into the shower, certain bacteria suddenly cease to eat.
We spend two full years of our lives washing ourselves. I
By nature, bacteria and body fluids keep our skin in shape, as is the case with other animals. But we spend an average of 20 minutes a day removing everything that is on our skin. So when Hamblin stopped taking a shower, he started stink.
But gradually a new equilibrium emerged. He did wash his hands, and occasionally put his head under the tap. And if he was really dirty, then he washed the dirt off his body. Without soap, because it disrupts the balance of body and bacteria. And he washes his hands from contamination.
And did he stink? No. According to his friends, he smells fine. Also at the end of a busy day, if you as a waxing person start to smell yourself, it's going well.
According to others, 3 things happen when you stop taking a shower:
You're not really gonna stink
Your skin hydrates itself
You save a lot of time
Fortunately, I was able to get my partner to wash herself only once a day, because before that when we got to know each other, she did that 3 times a day. Personally I refresh myself with a washcloth and cold water when getting up, showering sporadically.
Good thing you put this in the spotlight.
Hier probeer ik tenminste toch altijd 1 à 2 dagen tussen te laten, ook bij onze zoon. Ik hoor dan van hem dat andere kindjes in zijn klas elke dag in bad gaan... je moet de tijd maar hebben denk ik dan. Daarbij eens goed vuil worden ga je heus niet dood van
Zo extreem. bijna helemaal niet wassen, lijkt me ook niet ideaal. Maar wat minder zou in de meeste gevallen wel kunnen. Normaal douche ik 2 keer in de week en was 1 keer mijn haar. Natuurlijk spoel ik me weleens een keertje extra af, als het heel erg warm is... Show moreZo extreem. bijna helemaal niet wassen, lijkt me ook niet ideaal. Maar wat minder zou in de meeste gevallen wel kunnen. Normaal douche ik 2 keer in de week en was 1 keer mijn haar. Natuurlijk spoel ik me weleens een keertje extra af, als het heel erg warm is of ik een zweterig karweitje heb gedaan. Toen ik jong was gingen we 1 keer in de week in de teil, allemaal in het zelfde water. Stonken we? nooit iets van gemerkt.
Good thing you put this in the spotlight.