Why don't you go to a #Coach or other #to the point rescuer must go

You should not go if you think that because of this you are not in #Actie need to come.

You should also not go if you ask what is going on in yourself or in relation to others.. and you do not have all #waarheid can tolerate.
Because a Coach doesn't talk you to your mouth.

Nor should you go... if you think that last night's full moon #hartchakra opened and Archangel Michael you a #astrale energy ๐ŸŒŸ that made your pain less or more felt ๐Ÿ™ƒ

Although I have long suffered my suffering with this kind of #fantasie and tried to #bevrijden - Yes.
Even tried to force me into this because this kind of information could alleviate the grief and the pain. Many do not want to feel inner pain. For many it works.. heeelllll long..

My opinion by now is that with fantasy you can cover pain again and again. Most of the time this fantasy is necessary for many (even or for the rest of their lives)...

Important for #Zielsontwikkeling is to descend the deeper layers.

When people say I'm spiritual, I used to think that they also meant that they #zelfreflectie had.

The truth is that people also use spirituality to accept or even suppress their pain in this way.

For example, a #tweelingziel e.g. a relationship in which pain is acceptable and explained by the fact that you must both learn together and Helen.
That may feel that way to a certain extent, but the truth is that you experience deep pain throughout your life by staying in a relationship that ultimately doesn't make you happy.

Some of these statements go so far as to make such a #spiritueelEgo with which they are in another dimension (thousands or more around the world are in the 5th dimension) and the rest around them are often #medelijden viewed.
Well, he or she isn't that far spiritually yet.

Like it's a level... Not realizing that it covers its own shortcomings. And not realizing that we live in multiple dimensions but that one can get more energy and knowledge from the #kwantumveld than the other. But soul development is part of that.

That can be trained. You do not necessarily yourself as #5e dimension resident profile to another #dimensie (experience).. in which we pass time and can see the consequences of our choices.

For years, some continue to try everything on a spiritual level to heal to ease the pain. Is it spiritual and/or mental laziness.. fear... or an all about ruling (spiritual) #Ego - Oh!

That there is more between heaven and #aarde is a fact for me.

When I got a burnout with 21 and with 28 a big depression just after Dennis gave birth and then again just after my divorce when Lisa was 6 weeks old again a depression like panic attacks... I was done.

I had #vertrouwen needed in something bigger than me. And I thought that was scary. I dared not to rely on the unknown. It #onzichtbare Which I thought existed but couldn't prove scientifically. Eventually, I surrendered... not to a faith...

but then only after I read books from #Stephen Hawking had read an atheist.

Then I reached out my arms to the sky.. the #kosmos The universe.. the All that is... and I surrendered... the feeling that came down on me was a #allesomvattende Love an inner knowing from a deeper #bron that made me feel intense and nourish.

I just wanted things from #bezieling do it. In spirit... In connection with the #ziel - Yes.
That's how I embraced spirituality with love and pleasure. Spirituality for me is enjoying the life of the #groeiprocessen that also hurt... like confront fears and the deep depths of your formed #persoonlijkheid dissect. Why am I who I am... what will can or must I accept. What can I and want to change to be the one that I am and want to be in essence.

Enjoy.. together and only
the little things of life that we walk past so quickly or that we #vanzelfsprekend find it. I am aware of our #kwetsbaarheid and #dankbaar for the #leven - Yes. #Wetenschap and #spiritualiteit have the same #waarheid ..everything is #Energie - Yes. Science has proven it... And Spirituality feels it.

Unlike our (Spiritual) Ego, the Soul is not looking for an easy life.
But seeks a situation in which it can work on #karaktertrekken and #overtuigingen who have a #belemmering forms for further #groei - Yes.

That also includes the harsh reality.

Properties on #zielsniveau that help you grow as a person as a person to you true #bezieling ... your drive... you #spirit ... you only develop if you are opposed (by yourself of course.. for another you do not change in essence anyway, it can only be better hidden)

Because by inner opposition you are forced to #gedrag to develop.. reduce #frustraties also.
Otherwise, the frustrations become too big! So then you need to use the #angsten that stop you to overcome.

So don't go to a Coach if you don't dare face your fears.

As long as you stay in pain and confusion... #vluchten in things... Whether it's drugs, a faith, the work.., #spiritualiteit or something else does not matter.

When you run, you know what!

And you also know that it softens the pain for now, but ultimately it doesn't help... soul (โœŒ).
Because you're actually doing it to dissociate yourself from the naked unsalted truth.

Feel pain and #verwarring - Oh, my... Dive into it with the nose forward ๐Ÿ‘ƒ... and take your heart โค but also your brain ๐Ÿง .

One #mentalcoach or another #realistische (Spiritual) #hulpverlener that can help you to #jeZELF too #associ I would like to be a good one

If you think you always do everything right or have to do right then there is no room for #tekortkomingen ..because it would be a dissipation of all your #Wezen ... you #ZIJN - Yes.

Confronting yourself instead of others... because in the end it will get you more. #bezieling - Oh, my... #berusting .. #bevlogenheid ..# (com) passion... #zelfkennis - Oh, my... #liefde It #AL โค

Then you have plenty to do.

You can only #behouden what you #weggeeft - Yes. #Liefs of me

Why don't you go to a #coach!