And no, it has nothing to do with a risky lifestyle. The true reason may be in the type #geslachtschromosoom - Yes.

According to a popular theory, men live shorter than women because they would take more risk in their lives. They have more dangerous jobs, drink or smoke more and don't go to a doctor so quickly. However, researchers from a new study question this theory. According to them, the real reason has less to do with human behavior, but more with the type of sex chromosome.

Sex chromosome
A sex chromosome is a chromosome that determines the sex. In the case of humans (and most other mammals), two X chromosomes result in the female sex, while an X and a Y chromosome result in the male sex. In birds, butterflies and moths it is just the opposite: males have two identical sex chromosomes and the sex chromosomes of the female are different. A bird with two Z chromosomes is a male. If a bird has a Z chromosome and a W chromosome, then it is a female.

Why men die earlier than women