“It's the only thing that's fair in life,” my Grandma always said, “you're all going to die”.
Of course, she was right, although we'd rather not think about it, and certainly not when it comes to our loved ones.

But it is impossible to prevent it, and so it happened that the other day, a friend's father died unexpectedly.
I was stunned, and I felt powerless, I couldn't do anything for her, just let her know that I was thinking about her.
That's enough in itself, of course, but still.

High time to grab the beeswax and make a card for her.
I never make one card, I want to have a choice, and that's how the two cards below were created.
Actually, there were three, but I forgot to photograph the card I sent, maybe just as it is unique to the person in question.

Let's hope these cards can stay in the closet for a long time.
But if you want or need one, feel free to send me a message.

#encausticart #werkjevandedag #mourning #map #makeyourownmaps #encaustic #paintingwithbeeswax