Recently, the program #wereldreisopwielen repeated again on #televisie . Last year we did not watch the program because we went to #Canada left for our own dream trip. In the meantime, we can now watch the program on television. Lovely, delightful and dreaming I'm watching the program. How wonderful it seems to me to have such a beautiful #reis to be able to make. Free, go where you want, see everything, work a little here and there to pay for the trip. It all sounds like a beautiful dream! - One #droom that is probably never going to be a reality for me. Of course, it depends on so many factors. My partner has two children from a previous relationship, which makes a dream like this a lot more complicated. I don't really like taking a trip like that alone and leaving my partner behind. In my eyes, you really choose love. Looking back at my 20-ies I find it a pity that I only now have insight into how much travel attracts me and that my desires are so bad. Although I probably got to know and discovered these desires just along the way. Step by step exploring the world I think is a great plan. It's just a little fit and measure. - Dream Thoughts

World trip on wheels - Dream thoughts