Today in the Flower Parade, a blomtje with a funny name: Juffertje in green.
The official name of the plant is Nigella, not to be confused with the cook.

Juffertje in green originates not in the Netherlands, but is planted in ornamental gardens.
It is a one-year flower, which radiates bright blue.
The flowers are not very large, but stand out for their color.

After flowering, seed boxes form on the spot of the flower that are a bit reminiscent of star anise, but are much thinner.
In these seed boxes you will find black seeds that are sometimes used as poppy seeds.
In Asian cuisine, the seed is also used, among other things in five-spice powder.
It seems to taste a little like Oregano.

The damsel loves sun, and blooms in June-August.

#flowerparade #nigella #juffertjeinhetgroen #eenjarigeplanten

Yoors Flower Parade, day 78