Het idee achter Yoors is dat iedereen die iets toevoegt aan het platform daarvoor beloond moet worden. Yoors heeft de afgelopen jaren tienduizenden euro's en dollars uitbetaald aan haar leden.
Alle inkomsten zijn eerlijk verdeeld in verhouding tot wat u toevoegt.
1. In volgorde van belangrijkheid: Reward 1 > Schrijf je hier in ! >
Beloning 0,20$ na verificatie.
Leden kunnen je berichten belonen met Yoors-punten = real money at payout.
Betere intro's worden beter beloond.
Kom zeker terug om op je opmerkingen te reageren.
Ze zijn van echte mensen en zijn echt voor jou bedoeld.
Human to human
Het idee achter Yoors is dat iedereen die iets toevoegt aan het platform daarvoor beloond moet worden. Yoors heeft de afgelopen jaren tienduizenden euro's uitbetaald aan haar leden. Alle inkomsten zijn eerlijk verdeeld in verhouding tot wat u toevoegt. Hier lees je het idee achter Yoors in meer detail.
Yoors werkt elke dag aan verbeteringen en nieuwe tools om je skills te monetiseren. We vergeten niet dat we mensen zijn binnen een gemeenschap en dat een individu zonder gemeenschap niet bestaat!
In any case, Yoors is a reliable platform. I've been active here for over 5 years and I got paid out every penny I earned.
But what makes it especially fun is that you can build some kind of friendships with members you share interests with, so you can build contacts outside of Yoors as well.
Good information for all new members of the community, steps to follow to enjoy Yoors.
This past week I am seeing a lot of new members (Welcome) but few with photographs in their profiles and no content to get to know us better.
What stands out most in Yoors is the possibility of interacting with people from other parts of the world and thus being able to get to know other cultures and learn new things about unknown subjects.
Hello, I am happy to know that there are several ways to earn on yoo.rs from meeting people, their interests to sharing your talents and getting paid for it, I love it.
hello I think this information that you just shared with all of us is great, besides yoors is a very reliable platform and through here I was able to make several friends
Yoors is a wonderful platform and what you are doing is very important to keep up to date and even more so now that new members have joined the community thanks.
it is essential to choose a reliable auto transport company that offers quality service and affordable rates. By following the tips outlined in this guide, you can find the right auto transport company and have peace of mind knowing that your vehicle is in good hands. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9wzw4Xej9M
It's a good recapitulation of what can be achieved in Yoors from the start, only that the issue of monetization is a detail that makes it difficult for some people.
I no longer remembered that beginning of 0.20 euros my first steps in yoors, I like reading the posts more than anything and getting something out of learning
I must admit that Yoors is accurate, honest, fair, reliable and punctual in paying. From this point of view I am very happy. I have my doubts about the genuineness of an exchange based on earnings but the experience is still positive.
It's a good presentation and guide for yoors, I think it will clarify some doubts for new users and they will have more confidence in continuing to grow at yoors.
This is great. It's always good to explain the thing; because many of us are on this platform for the first time. Although I, like most of the people here, are new into this community (I avoid talking about "platform" to strengthen the community idea behind... Show moreThis is great. It's always good to explain the thing; because many of us are on this platform for the first time. Although I, like most of the people here, are new into this community (I avoid talking about "platform" to strengthen the community idea behind it), it seems to me that the project is still in its early age. We need projects like this. Facebook is slipping south. It's getting the more and more toxic. Yoors gon be a big deal i feel it. Just drive with integrity we'll be fine here.
Note: Let's follow each other people ! :) to build up our ties here. For each follow i got i'll follow you back. Take care.
Outlet for a world improver as an underdock for world animals protection, climate activist, animal lover, minimalist, environmental activist, humanist. relay of things that fascinate me, keep me busy and make me think. I can share all those perspectives on... Show moreOutlet for a world improver as an underdock for world animals protection, climate activist, animal lover, minimalist, environmental activist, humanist. relay of things that fascinate me, keep me busy and make me think. I can share all those perspectives on Yoors. Example: Missed manufacturability https://www.npostart.nl/het-filosofisch-kwintet/03-07-2022/VPWON_1340074
Hello, I liked it here because it is a platform that is serious, I did not know that I had so much active time, it has already been paying for 5 years that speaks very well about this platform
I think that since yoors there has not been nor will there be any page that give money to their users for expressing themselves and knowing each other this is another level and the truth is that I love her here I have met wonderful people and I love the legality of their payments
If the clarification is good because it seems that there are a lot of new users these days who can confuse the platform like those who have bots working and the motivation ends quickly, you're good because its rewards and payments are real and not only is it that, but it's fun and sometimes even a little addictive.
I've always been very satisfied with yoors. Still, or well probably more, as there are new improvements all the time. And I see that the last few days there have been a lot of new applications, so there must be something good that appeals to people to come and blog, and to keep posting
Excellent information for everyone, especially friends who are entering this community,
Lately I am seeing a lot of new members, but with few with photographs in their profiles and with little content .
The coziest and informative platform I've come across. I blog with a lot of fun and I'm already starting to come across quite a few lovely people with whom you still get some kind of connection. Plus, you earn a nice pocket penny. Which makes it extra fun again.
Yoors is the best platform I've ever come across. Unlike many other social media platforms, hate and envy are absent here. Everyone is nice and friendly, which is perhaps one of the biggest advantages.
Interesting information, I have seen that there are many members, this will help you a lot to familiarize yourself and know the process and the platform is very secure, it has always been up to date with your payment.
It is certainly true that there is a lot of work on Yoors! And the people make Yoors fun. I got to know a number of people here on- and offline. That alone is priceless!
But what makes it especially fun is that you can build some kind of friendships with members you share interests with, so you can build contacts outside of Yoors as well.
This past week I am seeing a lot of new members (Welcome) but few with photographs in their profiles and no content to get to know us better.
Note: Let's follow each other people ! :) to build up our ties here. For each follow i got i'll follow you back. Take care.
Lately I am seeing a lot of new members, but with few with photographs in their profiles and with little content .