Also today I like to take part in the challenge again.
Because this is a message with a meaning and which I think many can use it.
I hope this is a bit 🙂
What then will you think 🙂
I'm gonna try and give you this on my gut.
I hope that many people can recognize themselves in this.

In my picture I dance with my tea light holder because I think everyone can be a beautiful star, and if you see a star you can make a wish.
I wish you good health for all and that you will be spared in this difficult time, that you believe that we can tackle this together and thus work on a better future, which is difficult for all of us now.
My shirt says # have fun! Take a selfie.
Dare to show yourself in a responsible way, have fun in a responsible way, enjoy small things but that make you happy.
You're all beautiful. #yoorsnovember #swing #boodschap #steunen #liefde #respect #corona #mooiemensen

Yoorsnovember challenge day 3: Swing